The Missional Leadership Team would like to inform the Illinois Conference churches that three IMC pastors have agreed to serve Illinois Conference churches as a Conference Minister team.

Bryan Miller, Eric Potter, and Calvin Zehr will collaboratively serve IMC churches in the conference staff position of Conference Executive Minister. This team of pastors will be collectively responsible for providing the leadership and function of a Conference Minister. Each individual pastor is not responsible for every responsibility of a Conference Minister.

Although a team of pastors sharing Conference Minister responsibilities is not something new in MCUSA, it is a new arrangement for Illinois Mennonite Conference. It is understood that this approach will involve a degree of trial and innovation.

The search committee of Richard Gehring, Debra Sutter, and Darrel Miller recommended these pastors for this arrangement and the MLT has developed a Memo of Understanding with this team of pastors. Each pastor will serve on a quarter time basis. Bryan will begin September1; Cal begins November1; Eric’s beginning date is yet to be determined.

Churches, of course, will receive the necessary details about how this will initially work as they are determined.

We trust that the Lord’s Spirit is leading us in this step of service in God’s kingdom.

We thank God for the gifts given these leaders and their willingness to serve.


IMC Missional Leadership Team
