Who We Are

Unapologetically Anabaptist, Practice Focused, Relentlessly Missional, Equipping through Coaching


Unapologetically Anabaptist

16th Century Roots. 21st Century Application

Illinois Mennonite Conference is a network of Anabaptist/Mennonite congregations committed to following Jesus together. Palmer Becker, in his book Anabaptist Essentials, identifies Anabaptism as a Holy Spirit-empowered Christian faith where:

    1. Jesus is the center of our faith through...
      • Lordship
      • Scripture
      • Discipleship
    2. Community is the center of our life through...
      • Forgiveness
      • Discernment
      • Accountability
    3. Reconciliation is the center of our work through...
      • Transformation
      • Restoration
      • Peacemaking

Practice Focused

Closing the gap between beliefs and everyday living.

Anabaptists believe that one can't truly know Jesus unless one follows Him in life. Sure, you can know things about God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit without doing anything. But such knowledge is incomplete and not what Jesus had in mind (see Matthew 7:24 - 27). To really know Jesus we must listen to his teaching and live it out in everyday life. When we do that, we understand the way of Jesus more fully and experience life as He intends. To help people emphasize practices we define the anabaptist Christian life around four practices.

  1. Follow Jesus
  2. Live Simply
  3. Serve Others
  4. Practice Peace

Do these four things each day and see what happens!


Relentlessly Missional

It's not about attracting people to us.

It is about joining God in the neighborhood. We believe that God is at work in the world, drawing people to God's self, through Jesus, by the Holy Spirit. That's a mouthful to say, and takes faith to believe. Yet, we see evidence of it everyday. People are changed. Broken relationships are restored. People find purpose. People are set free.

Yes, we want people to connect to local congregations which are communities of care, support and accountability. We also recognize that most faith journeys start somewhere else.  So we encourage followers of Jesus - and the churches they are a part of - to go outside (of the church walls). Meet people where they are. Join God where God is at work. Bear witness to who God is and what God is doing, and wants to do.

You will not be disappointed as you engage in God's mission in the world. It is quite an adventure (not easy, but well worth it).

Equipping through Coaching

Healthy leaders lead healthy churches.

The primary way we equip congregations to practice an Anabaptist/Mennonite faith is through hiring, equipping and supporting healthy, gifted, Anabaptist/Mennonite pastors. Beginning with the search process, continuing through the credentialing process, and ongoing through a pastor's work within IMC, we engage pastors through a relational covenant of accountability to the highest standards of professional conduct.
