“From the planning committee of this year’s Women’s Retreat at Menno Haven, May 5-7:
The 2017 Women’s Retreat, “Made in the Image of God”, is less than a month away. Scheduled to speak is Asia Frye, an AMBS ministry candidate who will be coming to us from Hillsboro, KS. In addition, Kim Litwiller from East Peoria MC and Janice Yoder from First Mennonite in Morton will be our worship leaders. Participants can choose to attend either one, two, or all three days of this retreat.
Last year’s retreat, with over 100 women in attendance, was a wonderful time of worship and reflection, and the planning committee is excited for the biblical insight and encouragement Asia is preparing for us. The early registration deadline has been extended to April 21st, and they encourage all interested women to sign up as soon as possible. Thank you!”