The following is a snapshot of congregational life at Arthur Mennonite Church of Arthur, IL  provided by Melissa Schrock. If you would like more information on news shared here, please contact the congregation directly. We’re sure they’d love to hear from you.



In April, Lead Pastor Glen Rhodes and Youth Pastor Ashley Litwiller attended the Illinois Mennonite Conference Annual Assembly at Menno Haven Camp and Retreat Center. For Easter the Youth group served pancakes and sausage for breakfast and the funds that were raised went to support youth group member Regina Miller and her trip upcoming trip to Ireland with Youth Venture. Also in April, The Gospelaires music group from the Hopedale, IL area joined us for special music during worship.

We began a four week sermon series in May titled “There is No B.C.” The series reminds us of the truth found in Hebrews 13:8 proclaiming, “Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever” and that there is no “Before Christ” (B.C.) because Christ has always been.

Also in May the Ministry Team/Congregational Relationship Committee administered an evaluation that is conducted every three years. This evaluation allows the congregation to provide feedback to the ministry team so that a healthy relationship can be maintained and the church body can continue to thrive as a whole.

In June AMC has its annual Worship in the Park out at Brad-O-Clen, a local park. Everyone is encouraged to bring lawn chairs and a dish to share as we worship and fellowship outdoors enjoying God’s creation. Also in June, AMC hosts Arthur Community Bible school along with four other community churches to serve all the children of the Arthur area. This year’s theme: Hero Central with kids learning that God’s heroes have heart, courage, wisdom, hope, and power.


Important Events:

Deaths: Katie Ann Yoder, 90, Feb. 17, Ada Yoder, 79, Mar. 21

Birthdays: Ervin Yoder, 81, Apr. 2; Liz Diener, 83, Apr. 7; Duane Oye, 84, Apr. 13; Josephine Marner, 86, Jun. 14

Anniversary: Bill and Donna Moreland, 65 years, Jun. 15
