The following is a snapshot of congregational life at Cazenovia Mennonite Church of Cazenovia, IL  provided by Susie Jauch. If you would like more information on news shared here, please contact the congregation directly. We’re sure they’d love to hear from you.


Father’s Day, June 18, we worshiped at the Washburn Park. We had a potluck meal followed by a ballgame. It was a very pleasant day and we all enjoyed the fellowship.
Bible School was held the week of June 12-16. The theme this year was “Raindrops to Rainbows” All of the stories were weather related. The attendance was 72 children along with many teachers and helpers. The donation of $600.00 was sent to Kenya for famine relief. Our thanks to all the people who made this program a success.
A total of $3,568.00 was donated to our camp fund. We were able to send ten children to Camp Menno Haven, and we had enough left over to send $800.00 to Arizona to help send Native American children to a similar camp there.
The Mission Talk Force sent the following donations: $1,000.00 to Justin and Codee Delagrange to Ecuador: $1,000.00 to Jon and Lindsay Birkey in Arizona and $750.00 to Tanzania orphanage which Marli Kennell works with in Asia.
Doug Hicks presented the morning message on July 7. His text was Romans 6, focusing on being slaves to God, not sin.

Important Events

Isabel Ann to Derrek and Kelly Kennell on May 24

Kelly & Derrek Kennell, 10, June 9; Dennis & Nelda Kennell, 35, June 19

