Pastors and Leaders,
It is time for the annual update of the IMC Directory and the Ministerial Leadership Database. This not only updates the IMC Directory and
Ministerial Database for U.S. and Canada, but also provides the content for the Mennonite Church USA directory.
If you can send me any updates I will be sure to post the new updates on the Ministerial Leadership Database.
CONGREGATIONS – please be sure to send me your membership totals (congregational members).
PASTORS – please update not only the church section but pastor information as well.
You can access the IMC Directory directly on our website. I try to make changes to that directory frequently the link is:
   It may be easier just to copy and paste the information from the directory into an email, make the necessary changes and email them to me.
Please check your information in this directory and let me know if any changes need to be made, or if it is ok the way it is. I look forward to
hearing from you. These changes need to be sent to me by no later than August 3.
If no corrections are needed please just replying saying all information is correct.

Holly Mason, Executive Assistant, 309-340-4503
