The following is a snapshot of congregational life at First Mennonite Church of Champaign-Urbana, IL  provided by Rebecca Bare. If you would like more information on news shared here, please contact the congregation directly. We’re sure they’d love to hear from you.


First Mennonite Church Champaign/Urbana

The summer worship theme has been grace. Guest preachers were Randy Nelson and Cindy Breeze.

A group of pilgrims walking on the Potawatomi Trail of Death spoke at FMC on June 4, about the trail and their experiences.

Hazel Malekin participated in the Illinois State Special Olympics in June.

On June 11, 49 bells were chimed to honor the Pulse Night Club victims and other victims of gun violence.

The dedication of two Habitat houses, which FMC members helped build, was held on June 11.

Seven people attended the Central District Conference annual meeting at the end of June. Nine people, including three youth, were delegates to the MC USA convention in July. The youth and their sponsors planned the worship service on July 23.

On July 16, Menno Mugs were given to three members who are moving on: Paul Duncum is returning to Australia and Claire and Seth Morgan are moving to North Carolina for more schooling.

July 30 was the 5th Sunday of the month, so a number of people attended breakfast and Sunday School with other churches. Worship service began at 10:45.


Important Events



Victor Peña Martin to Jeronimo and Pam Peña Martin on June 8



Joyce Wyse and Bharat Philiph on June 17
