by Cal Zehr

Brandie and Cal milled some organic corn to make some awesome tasting cornbread

The Hungry World Farm vision is taking root and we the volunteer leaders continue to need your help:
• To refine the vision.
• To take care of the Farm with clean up and upgrades.
• Funding.
• Special projects.

With funding:
The Plow Creek Farmers put together a good package of equipment for $21,325.00.
Plow Creek would like payment on December 1, if possible. (About half of the
$21,325 is promised to the Hungry World Farm, but because of the timing we will not
have those funds available by December 1.)
So we could possibly get a line of credit or loan from a bank.
Or can you help us with this next step?
• Individuals could offer loans or no interest loans.
• Donations could cover the equipment. (Send a check to HWF, PO Box 386, Tiskilwa, IL 61368, or donate through Paypal on our website,, or Facebook.)

For new Hungry World Farm projects, we need:
• Moldboard plowing about 4 or 5 acres this fall.
• 10 pallets.
• Site preparation for a greenhouse which includes plowing and leveling work as well as placing and setting foundation sleeves.
• Workers for a “barn raising” – in this case a greenhouse raising.
• Extending a buried water line.

Please let us know if you have ways to respond to some of these next steps as Hungry World Farm moves forward.

Great news – On November 14, the IRS approved the nonprofit/501c3 status! The letter arrived in Tiskilwa on November 20.

We are deeply appreciative of your interest and support!
Have a great Thanksgiving!

Cal Zehr, Dennis Zehr, Andy Krabill and Brandie Lanier
The Hungry World Farm Steering Committee –

P.S. The Steering Committee is working on the first fundraiser to ask for gifts. The title is “Seeds to Sow,” which will be communicated to Hungry World Farm Friends beginning on November 29. This fundraiser is for start up costs, the first farmer salary and expenditures to get the first growing season going.
