First Mennonite Church of Champaign-Urbana Encourages Support of Israel/Palestine Resolution


June 22, 2017

To our companion Mennonite congregations in IMC:

The Delegate Assembly at Kansas City 2015 tabled a resolution on Israel/Palestine. They also asked that it be re-written and brought back to the Delegate Assembly at Orlando 2017. The new resolution that will be considered in Orlando (Seeking Peace in Israel and Palestine) is the product of extensive consultation, dialogue, and study within the Mennonite Church and with both Palestinian and Jewish leaders. The new resolution recognizes that the sufferings of these two groups are interconnected and that we as Mennonites, as Christians, and as Americans, have some responsibilities for the injustices that both peoples have experienced both now and in the past. If passed, it will commit the Mennonite Church to working for justice of Palestinians, especially those living under oppressive military occupation for fifty years, and also oppose antisemitism and seek right relationships with Jewish communities.

In April and May, the Mennonite Church organized a national educational tour that featured local representatives of Jewish Voice for Peace, which opposes anti-Jewish, anti-Muslim, and anti-Arab bigotry and oppression, and seeks an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land; and Jonathan Kuttab, a prominent Mennonite Palestinian human rights lawyer who has worked with both MCC and CPT in Palestine. First Mennonite Church was fortunate to host one of these meetings. Their informative and impassioned presentations have led First Mennonite Church to give our endorsement to this resolution and we encourage your congregation to do the same. Our hope and prayer is that through this action the Mennonite Church can be in a stronger position to work for peace and justice in Israel-Palestine as well as be an advocate for policy changes in our own country that promote those goals.

You can access the resolution and supporting documents at:

In God’s peace,

First Mennonite Church of Champaign-Urbana

501c3 Status

Do you know your congregation’s tax status with the IRS?

Some congregations believe they have tax-exempt status due to their participation in Illinois Mennonite Conference (IMC). While that may have been true at one time, it is no longer the case. IMC has individual 501(c)(3) status, not group status. That means that congregations do not have tax-exempt status just because they belong to IMC.

If you believe your church is tax-exempt because they are a part of IMC, you may not actually be considered tax-exempt by the IRS. Please double check your status to ensure that you are, indeed, tax-exempt.

Churches are not required to formally file for an exemption with the IRS. Churches can accept tax-deductible donations and function as a tax-exempt organization (no need to file a 990, etc) without official exemption.

However, without an official exemption, congregations cannot get written proof of tax exemption from the IRS. The IRS can only issue a tax-exempt letter for congregations that are officially registered individually or as part of a group (which is not an option for IMC congregations).

If you find you are not officially tax-exempt, your church can do one of two things:

1. Continue current practice and have no official IRS sanctioned recognition as a non-profit. Daily functions are ok, but the church would not be able to add things like online donation capabilities and the church could never “really consider” itself as a non-profit.

2. Apply for separate 501(c)(3) status using form 1023 ( Churches are exempt from the usual 27-months from organization date to apply. There is an $850 application user fee which is listed on the 1023 form on page 12. You can use this link to find these other useful publications ( some of the useful publication could be 557, 1828, 1771 and 4220 (

Conference member part of Bluffton University cross-cultural experience in China – Tricia Bell

Caitlin Haab of Normal, Ill., participated in a Bluffton University cross-cultural experience in China during the month of May.

Haab, along with other Bluffton students learned about the culture and history of this country while interacting with college students from China. Students participating in this program had the opportunity to travel to four different cities, hike the Great Wall of China and visit other historic attractions. Students also learned more about Chinese history, culture and the country’s current situation while on their experience.

Haab, daughter of Jeremy Haab and Tina Horna, is a sophomore majoring in information technology. She was a 2015 graduate of Normal Community West High School. Haab is also a member of the Mennonite Church of Normal.

Menno Haven Commissioning of Summer Staff –Doc Johnson

We had our annual commissioning of the Menno Haven Summer Staff for their service of our summer camp ministry season on June 18. This was held at Willow Springs Mennonite Church during the Sunday morning worship time.  It was neat to see the encouragement of the Willow Springs church body, representing/being the conduit of the broader Illinois Mennonite Conference, in affirming them for their work ahead.

This was the Congregational response affirming them after they committed their hearts and spirits to this ministry work:


As God’s Spirit calls and the church commissions, the servants of Christ are scattered in places of need throughout the world.

We accept your service as an extension of Willow Springs and the Illinois Mennonite Conference and pledge our support in your ministry.

We join with you in seeking first the Kingdom of God.

Consider your assignment as God at work in you, ministering to human need.

May you be given a deep love for those on the Menno Haven path of life, and may Christ be known through word and deed.

Our prayers will continually support you as you minister at Menno Haven this summer.


This was followed by an anointing of oil and blessing for each staff present.

On the move…

We are in full-swing, moving the Illinois Mennonite Conference office. We expect to be fully moved and out of the Tremont office by July 1, 2017.  What you need to know…

  • The mailing address is: P.O. Box 3, Tremont, IL 61568
  • The new phone (active now) is: (309) 340-4503
  • All email address are the same.
  • You can reach CEM, Michael Danner, by phone at (309) 992-8000.

Executive Assistant, Holly Mason, will work out of her home office.  CEM, Michael Danner, will work out of his home office when not meeting with pastors and congregations in their respective towns, etc.

In order to keep communication flowing, Michael and Holly meet face-to-face once per week. They communicate daily using the phone, email, and #slack.

Here are a few guidelines that will help you communicate with Michael and Holly:

  • When communicating with Michael and Holly by phone, please leave a message if they are unable to answer.They will respond as soon as they are able.
  • We want to talk to you! We just can’t talk to more than one of you at a time.
  • If you send an email and haven’t received a response within 24 hours, please resend the email (sometimes they get stuck in spam filters, etc.) or follow up with a phone call. We want to engage and be as helpful and responsive as possible.
  • If you leave a message or send an email to Holly after 3 pm on Friday, she may not respond until Monday.
  • If you leave an urgent voice mail message for Michael, please send a text as well. He turns off his ringer during meetings, but text messages will show up and that can speed up his response time.

If you have any further questions about communication with IMC staff in this new reality, please don’t hesitate to call or email with questions.

Short Term Mission Trip to Tanzania, Africa – August, 2017

Lillian Teater from First Mennonite Church of Morton will be leaving on a short term Mission Trip to Tanzania, Africa in August.

For in Him all things were created: things in heaven & on earth, visible & invisible…all things have been created through Him & for Him. He is before all things, & in Him all things hold together.” -Col. 1:16-17

As a child of God, I felt called to share and grow my faith in a new way. I have been praying about a global trip for over a year, and this trip has been an answer to my prayers. My goal is to grow in my faith while using the gifts that God has blessed me with.

I will be traveling to the Mavuno Village. Mavuno is a culturally appropriate, Christ-centered family-style orphanage located in Tanzania, Africa. Their goal is to raise children with the love of Christ, so they may grow to declare Jesus as their Lord. They seek to show children Jesus’ forgiveness, kindness, and love as the only one with power over sin and suffering.

For this mission trip I would appreciate your prayer support. Please pray that I may be equipped to do God’s work for His glory. Also, please pray for the protection and guidance for the children and missionaries already living in this country. Next, I would appreciate financial support. This money would be used for my airfare, vaccinations, room and board. The cost given by my host missionary for this trip is $2900 for two weeks. Checks can be made to First Mennonite Church. Thank you for your prayers and support as I serve in Jesus’ name!

Ready to serve throughout 2018?

The Chicago MVS unit—(back row) Carly Kraybill, Aaron Gonzalez, (front row) Alejandra Garcia and Joel Yoder.

~Mennonite Mission Network


 ​Opportunities are open NOW to begin serving in August! Mennonite Voluntary Service seeks talented passionate young adults who want to make a difference in the lives of others. Applicants will have the opportunity to explore their vocation, grow in their faith, and live in community with peers.

Don’t delay and miss out; check out the positions and locations below and apply today.


Have a passion for immigrant justice? At the Immigrant Resource Center you one can interface in a variety of ways with Guatemalan and Mexican national immigrants: legal assistance, citizenship preparation, adult ESL, after-school program for children. Help coordinate an emerging interfaith coalition to resist deportations and provide sanctuary. Also have a passion for the mountains and outdoor recreation? Alamosa, Colorado in the southern Rockies is your perfect match!

Rio Grande Farm Park/Valley Roots Food Hub:

Don’t mind getting dirt under your nails? These sister projects play an integral part in our Local Foods Coalition and you can be involved in both. At the Park, help preserve 36 acres of pristine riverside land by the Rio Grande, while assisting Mayan gardeners and aspiring new farmers with organic vegetable production. End your week at the Hub, where hands-on tasks make the receipt and distribution of healthy local foods a reality. Also have a passion for the mountains and outdoor recreation? Alamosa, Colorado in the southern Rockies is your perfect match?


Believe that people of faith are particularly called to be the guardians of God’s creation? The Faith in Place staff works closely with faith communities throughout Illinois in bringing about environmental justice for all. Help to inspire people of diverse faiths throughout to care for the Earth through education, connection, and advocacy. You’ll travel to houses of worship to capture data and write a weekly blog post to be published on the Faith in Place website.

Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly has been serving socially isolated elders in the spirit of their motto, “Flowers before Bread.” All services are free to the elderly and are designed to relieve the isolation and loneliness. As a Program Assistant, you will help ensure that every elderly friend has a relationship with a compassionate person. You will have the opportunity to develop and maintain productive, satisfying relationships with other volunteers.


Help spread the word about how Anabaptist Mennonite Bible Seminaryeducates the next leaders of the global Anabaptist family who are sharing the gospel worldwide. As a marketing assistant you’ll do graphic design layout for ads and brochures, social media updates.

Oaklawn offers specialized addictions treatment programs for adolescents and adults in Elkhart and St. Joseph counties. As a Client Engagement Specialist, you will provide support, hope and guidance to individuals who are at the point of engaging in services so that they are able to do so efficiently and confidently.


The Second Harvest Foodbank is southwestern Wisconsin’s largest hunger-relief charity. As a Warehouse assistant you’ll put your computer experience and organizational skills to good use as part of the team that executes on the details involved in getting food directly into the hands of the people who are in need.

Options in Community Living is a supported living agency for people with developmental disabilities. Options strives to provide the assistance needed to help people live the life they choose. As a Community Builder, you will assist in forming meaningful relationships between people with developmental disabilities and community members.


PowerMyLearning leverages technology to unite teachers and families in the student learning process. Students and their family members get technology training and a free Home Learning Center computer that they can use to support learning at home. As a Volunteer Coordinator, you will recruit, train and lead volunteers to support workshops. You’ll manage volunteer communications and data tracking.

LIFT is a national nonprofit dedicated to helping families break the cycle of poverty. It helps families build the strong personal, social and financial foundations to secure immediate, critical needs and to achieve long-term goals and aspirations. As a Program Associate you will help LIFT’s members meet their goals by providing support such as through data tracking and collection This role is ideal for someone interested in hands-on direct service community work while, at the same time, developing the essential skills of nonprofit program management

Puerto Rico:

Academia Menonita Betania is a private, Christian, bilingual school serving students from kindergarten through ninth grade. As an administrative assistant, you’ll perform important tasks to help leaders and teachers in their quest to inspire students to integrate faith and education in all aspects of their life so they can positively contribute to society.

San Antonio:

The Texas RioGrande Legal Aid’s Employment Team litigates on behalf of low-wage and immigrant workers. As an Intake/Outreach Paralegal, you will support the team by conducting community outreach, case intake, interviews, and investigation of workers’ rights violations and related immigration relief.

Be the after school program and Director and Development Assistant at Inner City Development. The nonprofit responds to emergency, educational, and recreational needs of the neighborhood on the near Westside of San Antonio by providing critical, basic life services and inspiring persons to volunteer to improve the community. In your role, you’ll develop and direct an after-school reading program, organizing events and help to raise funds.

San Francisco:

Mission Graduates increases the number of K-12 students in San Francisco’s Mission District who are prepared for and complete college. Volunteers who give students individualized attention in the afterschool hours are vital to making this happen. As a Volunteer Coordinator, you’ll play a huge support role in recruiting, training, retaining and recognizing new and current volunteers.

Delivering Innovation in Supportive Housing (DISH) works to end homelessness in San Francisco through the delivery of innovative property management services the city’s most vulnerable residents. As a Supportive Housing Project Associate, you’ll have great job variety, as you develop and execute special projects related to the development and operations in the areas of community programming, fundraising/marketing, communications, and finance.


Ballard Food Bank passionately advocates for food equity and justice, by providing access to nutritious foods, financial resources, and referral and mail services that support self-sufficiency. As a Program Intern you will be a vital team member, offering support to the Food Bank, Home Delivery and Weekend Food for Kids Programs., a website and news outlet dedicated to climate, sustainability, and social justice, seeks a smart, detail-focused, HTML-savvy Editorial Intern to assist our editorial team with a variety of projects. This position offers a great opportunity to learn about editing, online publishing, and green issues.


Have construction trade skills that you want to put to work as a Home Repair Worker for a worthy cause? The Community Home Repair Program Of Arizona is dedicated to assisting low income homeowners by providing emergency home repairs as well as adaptive and safety modifications for people with disabilities.

Access to quality healthcare is a huge issue being debated now. St Elizabeth Health Center Medical supports the healthcare needs of the uninsured and underserved. As a Quality Improvement Associate you will experience up close the realities surrounding the healthcare debate, as you assist in program design, monitoring data and communicating with patients by phone or in person.

Church Spotlight: First Mennonite Church of Morton

The following is a snapshot of congregational life at First Mennonite Church of Morton  provided by Darlene Berry. If you would like more information on news shared here, please contact the congregation directly. We’re sure they’d love to hear from you.


First Mennonite Church of Morton

We will have “Church on the Lawn” on June 25. There will be no Sunday School. The morning will start with doughnuts and fellowship at 9:45AM. At 10:30AM, Worship will start out on the church lawn. Please bring lawn chairs and dress casually. If the weather doesn’t cooperate, we’ll move inside. Worship Commission will provide hot dogs, hamburgers and drinks for lunch. Please bring your own table service and a side dish to share. We will eat in the Fellowship Hall. This would be a great opportunity to invite family and friends to join us for Worship.

Everyone is invited to the church on Saturday, June 24 at 6:30PM to watch “War Room”, one of the greatest new movies on the subject of prayer. Popcorn and drinks will be provided.

On Sunday, June 25, we will be celebrating believer’s baptism and giving people the opportunity to publicly confess faith in Jesus. If you are interested in being baptized, please talk to Pastor Aaron soon.

After a year and a half of searching, Mike Yordy and the Search Committee, are recommending Tom Linderman as our Pastor of Family Life. Tom was ordained in the Baptist General Conference. He has been serving in full-time to meet Tom before our Congregational Meeting on Sunday, July 9. You are welcome to meet him during an open house at 5:00PM on Wednesday, June 21 (at FMC) or during Worship on the Lawn on Sunday, June 25. Please be praying for the Holy Spirit’s guidance and discernment as we all consider affirming Tom for Pastoral ministry within FMC.

Important Events

Marriages – Emma Roth and Chase Smith on May 27

Seeking Peace in Israel and Palestine Resolution Webinar

Click here to RSVP


June 20, 2017 8 pm eastern / 7 pm central/ 6 pm Mountain / 5 pm Pacific
Join us for a 1-hour webinar to learn more about the “Seeking Peace in Israel-Palestine” resolution that will be considered by delegates at Orlando 2017. Andre Gingerich Stoner who helped lead the writing process will offer a short overview of the resolution. The webinar will have an extensive question and answer time. Whether you read the resolution beforehand and come with questions, or use this as an introduction to the resolution, you are welcome to join the conversation. Please RSVP by clicking the button above.