Engaged in the wider church

I am writing this after a long day of good meetings at the Constituency Leadership Council (CLC) of Mennonite Church USA on the campus of AMBS in Elkhart, IN.  The CLC is a group of leaders that function as elders of MC USA and consists of conference ministers, conference moderators, at large conference participants and representatives from various constituencies of MC USA.

As a conference, IMC is committed to MC USA and the covenant commitments we have made to participate in the wider church. Part of that commitment is to engage in the leadership processes of the denomination. Myself, Ann Munley (Church Life Team), and Don Rheinheimer (moderator) are representing Illinois Mennonite Conference.

We began our time together in worship and communion, confirming our common faith in Jesus and our commitments to one another. Then we gathered in table groups and engaged in various exercises and discussions where we were asked to help define the future vision of MC USA.


This is a rich time of making new relationships and affirming old ones.  It is also a time where we help give voice to challenges facing the church.

Please continue in prayer for this gathering, which concludes on Saturday, March 18.