Hillary Watson Affirmed for Ordination

Lombard, IL – On Tuesday, January 23 the Church Life Team (CLT) of Illinois Mennonite Conference (IMC) affirmed Hillary Watson, associate pastor at Lombard Mennonite Church, for the credential of ordination. Hillary is now an ordained minister within Illinois Mennonite Conference and Mennonite Church USA.

L to R – Anne Munley, Doug Roth, Michael Danner, Hillary Watson, Curt Fenton, and Melissa Bietler

Hillary’s ordination is the culmination of a 4-year process. During the last four years, Hillary was active in ministry. Her call was tested and her gifts were demonstrated in the church community. Her call was confirmed and her gifts were affirmed.

Ordination candidates prepare a written response to questions about their faith, theology, spiritual disciplines, leadership, and Anabaptist witness. The candidates responses serve as the basis for the interview. The CLT reports joy in reading Hillary’s writing and engaging her in substantive discussions sparked by her journey.

Michael Danner, of IMC, says, “I look forward to seeing how God will continue to use Hillary’s gifts and passion for others in ministry.”  Please pray for Hillary as she lives into this calling. A celebration is being planned by leaders at Lombard Mennonite Church.

The IMC Church Life Team consists of Anne Munley, Doug Roth (chair), Charlotte Lehman (absent for this interview), and Curt Fenton. Michael Danner, Conference Executive Minister, also participates in credentialing interviews.

To learn more about the ordination process and what ordination means within an Anabaptist/Mennonite context, read A Shared Understanding of Ministerial Leadership, available at mennomedia.com

MyNeighbor card racks up donations for nonprofits

GOSHEN, Ind. – Everence donated over $205,000 in January to 265 charitable organizations and congregations through its MyNeighbor program.

With the MyNeighbor program, individuals and businesses generate reward dollars for their favorite nonprofits every time they use their MyNeighbor credit cards from Everence Federal Credit Union. In January, Everence writes and sends checks to the charities the cardholders selected.

“The MyNeighbor card is our newest way to help spread generosity between our members and our communities,” said Ken Hochstetler, President and CEO of Everence. “Since only April of 2017, our members generated over $205,000 for local and global charities – that’s a significant impact!”

With MyNeighbor, each time you buy groceries, pay bills or make other purchases, Everence will donate 1.50 percent of the purchase total to the charity of your choice.

For more information about the MyNeighbor program, visit everence.com/MyNeighbor or call (800) 451-5719.

Everence helps individuals, organizations and congregations integrate faith with finances through a national team of advisors and representatives. Everence offers banking, insurance and financial services with community benefits and stewardship education. Everence is a ministry of Mennonite Church USA and other churches. To learn more, visit everence.com or call (800) 348-7468.

Everence offers credit union services that are federally insured by NCUA.

For more information:

Allison Schrock, Marketing Manager
(574) 533-9515 ext. 3301; (800) 348-7468, ext. 3301

What can we learn from how Jesus used Scripture?

Singer-songwriter leads interactive “Reading the Bible with Jesus” workshops

by Annette Brill Bergstresser

(Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary) — Bryan Moyer Suderman believes that paying attention to Jesus as interpreter of Scripture can transform how we, too, engage Scripture and each other.

The singer-songwriter and Bible teacher from Kitchener, Ontario, experiences this firsthand as he leads interactive “Reading the Bible with Jesus” workshops for congregations across the U.S. and Canada — since 2016 as a teaching associate of the Church Leadership Center of Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS) in Elkhart, Indiana.

In the workshops, Moyer Suderman facilitates a process of exploring how the New Testament Gospels portray Jesus as interpreter of Scripture as he taught and healed those around him and joined in the hot-button conversations of the day.

“It’s often an aha moment for people when they realize how much Jesus draws upon what we call the Old Testament — constantly, and in all kinds of ways,” he said. “There can be a kind of stereotype about the Old Testament: ‘We’re so glad we have Jesus and don’t need to bother with all that Old Testament stuff.’ Well, if you pay attention to Jesus as interpreter of Scripture, you’re very hard pressed to make that case.”

A shared process of discovery

The workshops bring together Moyer Suderman’s passion for biblical scholarship, creative musical expression and contextual ministry. He has spent the last 25 years finding creative ways to engage diverse communities in what he likes to call “the ongoing scriptural story of God’s love for the world.” Having worked in various ministry roles with churches in Colombia and Canada, since 2001 he has focused on writing Scripture-based songs for people of all ages. Songs from his eight studio albums have found their way into curricula, conventions and congregational singing throughout North America and beyond.

In 2011 Moyer Suderman began to study Gospel accounts of Jesus’ use of Scripture, which resulted in invitations to share his learnings and prompted him to complete a Master of Theological Studies at Conrad Grebel University College in Waterloo, Ontario, writing his thesis on the topic. The “Reading the Bible with Jesus” experiences he now facilitates are one of the fruits of this study.

During the workshops, Moyer Suderman leads participants in mapping out Jesus’ interactions with those around him in a selected Gospel story. He then invites them to observe how Scripture is coming into play in the conversation, and together they flip back to the corresponding Old Testament texts and spend time exploring them. After that, they return to the Gospel story and consider how what they’ve learned informs their understanding of the text.

He’s heard people comment, “All those notes I see in the margins in my study Bible that identify different passages — I’ve never known what they’re for, but they’re there for a reason!”

Participants then repeat the process with different Gospel stories, looking for patterns in Jesus’ approaches. And along the way, Moyer Suderman plays his guitar and weaves music into the conversation to engage the group and encourage reflection. For example, he pairs a musical setting of Psalm 119:105 (“Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path”) with a song he wrote titled “Wrestling with the Scriptures” as a way of acknowledging people’s varied experiences with the Bible.

“It’s fruitful to have people in the group approach the text in different ways,” he reflected. “When we express the experiences we bring to the text, we can approach the process together with trust and confidence that God has something here for us.”

The participatory nature of the work is a key factor for him: “It’s a process of exploration and discovery together, and my role is to guide and resource and shepherd that. The group owns it. At the end, there’s a sense of, ‘We did that. My idea is on that piece of paper.’”

He said he’s found that paying attention to Jesus as interpreter of Scripture is a new approach for many people.

“It opens things up for people, and it equalizes — giving a sense that we’re all discovering, whether you’ve studied Scripture a lot or if it’s your first time doing a Bible study,” he said. “People at all kinds of levels of experience are getting something they can take forward with them.”

And, he added, the interactive process can also connect people who might not agree theologically, focusing on their common desire to grow as disciples of Jesus and helping equip them for the ongoing interpretive task.

Jewel Gingerich Longenecker, AMBS dean of Lifelong Learning, is excited about the seminary’s partnership with Moyer Suderman and appreciates his “boundless energy for travel and working in the church.”

“Bryan’s teaching ministry connects biblical scholarship with the life of the church and fits well with AMBS’s mission of preparing leaders who are rooted in the Word and growing in Christ,” she noted.

Digging into the Word in a fresh way

In January 2017, Reba Place Church in Evanston, Illinois, hosted Moyer Suderman for a workshop, joined by North Suburban Mennonite Church in Libertyville, Illinois, and Illinois Mennonite Conference. Reba Place Lead Pastor Charlotte Lehman said that while the event happened to be on the same weekend as the presidential inauguration and the Women’s March on Washington, D.C., it was well attended, drawing around 40 people. Participants came from the sponsoring groups as well as Living Water Community Church in Chicago and Evanston (Illinois) Mennonite Church.

Lehman described Moyer Suderman’s process of exploring the Gospel of Matthew with them as “a wonderful and enlightening exercise” that revealed that as Jesus joined into the conversations of his time, he did not just apply the Scriptures in the way they seemed to be in their original context.

“He was, as a rabbi might, adding his own insights and current applications to the text … as opposed to using Scripture in a more ‘flat dead rulebook’ sort of way,” she said. “Bryan also helped us see that these conversations continued after the time of Jesus and that we’re continuing to be part of them now; it’s not like a topic was frozen at the time [Jesus] talked about it.”

Lehman observed that participants responded well to the combination of Moyer Suderman’s enthusiasm and deep knowledge of Scripture.

“Some folks who had been finding that the perspective of the Bible they had grown up with was not so satisfying to them anymore — but who hadn’t really known how to reengage Scripture in a meaningful way — felt that Bryan’s approach really helped them with that,” she said. “It was a really good time of digging into the Word in a fresh way.”

“Where do we go from here?”

Like the Illinois congregations, three congregations in the Goessel (Kansas) Ministerial Alliance partnered to host Moyer Suderman for a workshop in April. According to Phil Schmidt, lead pastor of Tabor Mennonite Church in Newton, Kansas, where the event was held, about 50 people participated from Tabor Mennonite, Alexanderwohl Mennonite and Goessel Mennonite.

Schmidt said he and Katherine Goerzen (MDiv 2015), associate pastor at Tabor, had heard Moyer Suderman present at Pastors Week at AMBS in January 2016 and had begun looking for a chance to invite him to their area.

“It was a new and unique opportunity for us to get together across church boundaries and study Scripture together; that was definitely a highlight,” Schmidt said, noting that participants from along the theological spectrum connected with Moyer Suderman’s leadership style and way of incorporating music into the study of a passage.

Schmidt said he especially appreciated the last workshop session, in which participants identified repeated themes and asked, “Where do we go from here?”

The Tabor congregation didn’t hesitate to apply what they’d begun learning. They used some of Moyer Suderman’s songs for their Bible school in the summer — songs Schmidt describes as “singable, theologically rich and in tune with Scripture, from an Anabaptist perspective.” He noted that he and other leaders have also sought to keep the “reading the Bible with Jesus” mindset in their Scripture reading together.

Also, three people from local churches are in the process of creating a curriculum based on Moyer Suderman’s “Detectives of Divinity” song, which encourages listeners to watch carefully for signs of God’s activity all around them. At Tabor, this curriculum is being used for the congregation’s weekly Wednesday evening ministries, which draw about 75 children through junior high age from around the community.

Moyer Suderman has also been lined up to lead “Reading the Bible with Jesus” at Western District Conference’s 2018 Annual Assembly on July 27–28 in central Kansas. In preparation for the assembly, Schmidt says the Tabor congregation hopes to do a corresponding worship series.

Hosting a workshop

Since 2016, Moyer Suderman has led experiences of “Reading the Bible with Jesus” with communities in eight states and two provinces. In January/February 2018, he will present further workshops in Kitchener-Waterloo and Niagara, Ontario; Goshen, Indiana; and Kidron, Ohio. In April, he’s planning a trip to the Pacific Northwest (Hubbard, Oregon), followed by a retreat with Central Plains Mennonite Conference pastors and leaders in Schuyler, Nebraska. He’s also scheduled to lead a workshop with pastors of Mennonite Church Alberta in mid-September.

Moyer Suderman noted that when congregations invite him to lead a workshop, he has also often participated in Sunday morning worship (speaking, singing, teaching) and given an all-ages community concert — offering the congregation and community multiple ways to engage Scripture together.

To learn more about “Reading the Bible with Jesus” workshops or to book an event (in English or Spanish), see www.ambs.edu/workshops.

Located in Elkhart, Indiana, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary is a learning community with an Anabaptist vision, offering theological education for learners both on campus and at a distance as well as a wide array of lifelong learning programs — all with the goal of educating followers of Jesus Christ to be leaders for God’s reconciling mission in the world.

This article also appears online:


Bryan Moyer Suderman, teaching associate for the Church Leadership Center of Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, leads a “Reading the Bible with Jesus” workshop in November 2016 for Walnut Hill Mennonite Church, Goshen, Indiana, at Amigo Centre in Sturgis, Michigan. (Credit: Jace Longenecker)


Entrepreneurial Pastors Needed!

by Michael Danner via michaeldanner.net

I hear this all the time.

“Churches need entrepreneurial pastors.”

I never knew what to think about that – until I read Seth Godin’s January 16, 2018 post “The four elements of entrepreneurship”.

Like most of Seth’s work, that post was brief, to the point, and helpful. In that post, Seth talked about four things people do when they are acting like entrepreneurs.

1. They make decisions.

2. They invest in activities and assets that aren’t a sure thing.

3. They persuade others to support a mission with a non-guaranteed outcome.

4. This one is the most amorphous, the most difficult to pin down and thus the juiciest: They embrace (instead of run from) the work of doing things that might not work.

If that is what people mean when they say, “The church needs entrepreneurial pastors!” I’m all in.  The church in post-Christendom America definitely needs…

  1. Pastors who make decisions (especially hard decisions no one else wants to make)!
  2. Pastors that are willing to invest in activities and assets that aren’t a sure thing – especially people.
  3. Pastors that persuade others to support (and participate in) a mission where the outcome is unclear and not guaranteed.
  4. Pastors that embrace the “work of doing things that might not work.”

Pastor,  do those four activities describe what you do as you lead your congregations?

Sent 2018 “SCATTERED: from Jerusalem to Antioch”

You are invited to join SENT 2018: a gathering of Mennonites planting Jesus-centered communities…

Be SENT. Join a gathering of more than 100 Mennonite mission-minded, Jesus-following leaders for a two-day church planting summit in Chicago, II.  There will be church planters, groups testing the call, missional entrepreneurs, outreach experimenters, pastors, missiologists, and conference leaders.

Be a part of something greater. Be part of a national Anabaptist church planting network that is continuing learning and collaborating together.  This gathering will explore how to grow missionally-driven communities that move beyond the maintenance mode.

Be inspired. Share your church planting experiences (the good, the bad, the ugly). Together, we can learn to form Jesus-shaped communities in a variety of contexts.  We will reflect on Anabaptist/ Mennonite church planting experiences (both success and failings) and we will again hear Jesus’ words to us, sending us into many different contexts to form Jesus-shaped communities.

I hope to see you there!

Mauricio Chenlo,
Church Planting Minister
Mennonite Mission Network


What you need to know!!

Meetings location
Living Water Community Church
6808 N Ashland Blvd, Chicago, IL 60626
Phone: (773) 764-5872

Meeting dates and time

  • Friday, May 4, Registration being at 1:00 PM, event starts at 2:30 pm – Sunday, May 6 after lunch with Living Water Community Church
  • We will have room for luggage since the hotel check-in doesn’t start until 4:00 PM


  • Early-bird registration is  $65 from January 10 through February 15
  • Registration is $75 from February 15 through April 5
  • Registration will be closed after April 5
  • There are scholarships available based on need, please email Mauricio Chenlo at MauricioC@MennoniteMission.net

Hotel, for those needing lodging

  • Hotels are pricey and difficult to find in this area. It is not to your advantage to wait and schedule your own – we have blocked group rate rooms at:

Hampton Inn Chicago North Loyola Station
1209 W. Albion Ave., Chicago, IL 60626
872-302-4481 F | 312-896-5990
Online Virtual Tours:  Hampton Inn Loyola Tour <https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=7MBk11oML8B>

  • Hotel group rate is $199 a night per room plus taxes. All rooms include 2 queen beds which means $99 a night per person if you share a room (we highly encourage that). This rate and reservation is based on a minimum stay of two nights
  • We have blocked 50 rooms at this rate, please indicate on the registration form if you would like to reserve a single room at $199 or if you would like to share a room at $99.5 per night, per person plus taxes.
  • Please pay for the room as part of your registration. Mennonite Mission Network will add your name to the hotel guest list and pay the hotel on your behalf.
  • A few rooms could be made available for Thursday or Sunday night at the same rate – Please make sure to mark that on the registration if you need a room for either of those nights
  • Check in at 4:00 PM- check out at 11:00 AM

Please follow the link below to register

Questions can be directed to Haiam Gendi (Mennonite Mission Network) logistics coordinator 1-866-866-2872 (Toll-free), ext. 23074 or HaiamG@MennoniteMission.net <mailto:HaiamG@MennoniteMission.net>  
We look forward to seeing you on Friday, May 4th!


Hosted by Living Water Community Church, Chicago, IL
Sponsored by Mennonite Mission Network and Everence

www.MennoniteMission.net/sent <https://www.mennonitemission.net/events/Sent-2018-conference-We-are-church-planters>

Nonprofits weigh impact of tax law

Jan 8, 2018 by  and 

Some nonprofit organizations worry the tax bill signed into law by President Trump Dec. 21 will result in fewer donations.

Charitable giving remains tax deductible, but a doubling of the standard deduction means many middle-class donors won’t have enough deductible expenses to itemize, erasing one incentive to give.

“I like to call [a tax deduction] the icing on the cake,” said Bill Hartman, Everence vice president for organization and congregation services. “We give according to theology or calling. The tax system has an additional benefit. Now with the standard deduction being raised, there isn’t [as likely to be] that direct tie that this gift will give me an extra deduction.”

The new tax law doubles the standard deduction to $12,000 for an individual and $24,000 for a married couple.

The Associated Press reported economists predict fewer donations to U.S. charities in the coming year. Patrick Rooney, a professor of economics and director of the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University, expects donations to drop by around $14 billion next year, roughly 5 percent.

“I think it’s going to have an effect,” said Mennonite Central Committee U.S. director Ron Byler. “The extent of the effect we don’t know yet, but this is not going to be good news for Mennonite and Christian organizations.”

As the new tax plan’s potential came into focus in late 2017, nonprofit associations of which MCC is a member began sounding the alarm of a higher standard deduction’s implications.

“MCC has a higher than normal level of middle-income donors,” Byler said. “We depend on smaller contributions more than many organizations our size, which would tend to say our contributors don’t have as high of incomes.”

Giving for many reasons

Faith-based organizations and churches probably have an advantage over secular nonprofits.

“I’ve been in the stewardship business for 20 years,” said Mennonite Brethren Foundation President Jon Wiebe. “I think people are giving mostly out of a missional mindset, rather than a tax benefit. But of course we want to leverage our tax benefit as well.”

Wiebe said the impact on donations could be rather small, since less than a quarter of taxpayers itemize.

“We could also make a case that if people have more money in their pocket because of less taxes — which is also part of the bill — they could also be more generous,” he said.

Still, Hartman said it is difficult to predict the outcome.

“We expect that Mennonites and Anabaptists won’t be as impacted,” he said. “We sure like to think and hope and desire that that’s the case.

“If anything, it gives us reason to be more proactive about why we give and the basis that it’s not just for the tax deduction.”

Everence is available to give congregations advice about the many ways charitable giving can happen.

“We encourage them to be proactive about their culture and raising the level of generosity, based on the recognition that they have to tell their story and create that culture,” Hartman said. “I think we’ll see that more in congregations and nonprofits; to be more out there telling their story.”

Year-end boost?

It’s too soon to tell, but some nonprofits may have received a boost in year-end giving. Some experts advocated “bunching” 2018 giving into 2017, to be able to deduct two years of donations this spring. Those donors would then anticipate not giving in 2018.

Wiebe said he knew of only one person in the past two decades who had used the practice, but it may be catching on.

“There were a handful of folks who called us at year end and opened donor-advised funds with next year’s check for charitable giving, and they can itemize that in 2017,” he said. “I don’t know if they’ll continue to do that.”

Hartman said Everence didn’t yet have a picture of everything people did to close out 2017.

“We’re very interested in churches and their impact on cash flow,” he said. “And we’re aware of people putting money into their donor-advised fund with the thinking I may not be able to do contributions in 2018 to rise to the [standard deduction] limit.”

Besides budgeting for a range of 2018 giving possibilities, MCC is working to restore charitable deductions for as many taxpayers as possible.

“We don’t have the ability by ourself to affect policy change, but we are part of associations . . . advocating for a different, more nonprofit-friendly system. And I think we’ll continue to do that,” Byler said. “It’s difficult for me to think this is going to stick. But it is law.”

Other ways to get a tax deduction

Everence vice president for organization and congregation services Bill Hartman says there is more than one way to get a tax break for charitable contributions.

For people older than 70 and a half, funds rolled directly from an individual retirement account to a charity are not taxed.

“I think we’ll see more of that for people over 70 and a half,” he said.

Agriculture commodities — crops, livestock, milk and the like — can be gifted directly to charities instead of being counted as taxable income.

Appreciated assets from stock gains can also be donated. Hartman said there is no tax on capital gains if they are given to a charity.

“We’re confident we’ll see more of these alternative giving strategies for people are impacted by the deduction,” he said.

Everence offers financial planning grants to more pastors

Beginning January 2018, credentialed and active pastors from any churches affiliated with Everence are eligible to receive a Pastoral Financial Plan Grant toward the cost of a first-year Everence comprehensive financial plan. Many of those affiliated churches can be found online at everence.com/who-we-serve.

This new grant is in addition to the Everence Pastoral Financial Assistance Program, a financial planning subsidy initiative for Mennonite Church USA and Conservative Mennonite Conference pastors that was funded, in part, by a grant from Lilly Endowment Inc.

“Pastors face unique and often challenging financial circumstances, which can put stress on their personal and ministerial health and wholeness” said Ken Hochstetler, Everence President and CEO. “That’s why we believe in the importance of helping pastors address their financial needs and goals. When our pastors are healthy, our congregations also benefit.”

That’s why we believe in the importance of helping pastors address their financial needs and goals.

Ken Hochstetler
Everence President and CEO

With Everence comprehensive financial planning, qualified professionals can help pastors and other individuals develop plans that address their needs and goals, and help them stay on course. Clients also get access to online tools that help them organize their cash flow and closely track their savings and investments.

“We are committed to helping pastors align their financial decision-making with their purpose,” continued Hochstetler, “to help increase their sense of confidence as it relates to finances and empower them to engage in these conversations with their congregations.”

Mennonite Disaster Service Begins New Work in Ottawa, IL

Click here for background on the Ottawa-Naplate worksite

Starting the first week of February, work will begin in Ottawa and Naplate, Illinois, repairing and rebuilding homes damaged by the tornado that went through the area February 28, 2017. This will be an Illinois Unit project.   The local recovery committee has identified several homes with which we will be working over the next five or six months to repair. One brick home will be gutted and restored, beginning with replacing the roof of the home. We have volunteers signed up to begin work the first week of February. We expect to rebuild the roof that week and get the house once more under cover.

Volunteers are now needed:

  • We need a state licensed roofing contractor
  • Demolition crews
  • Carpenters
  • Cooks

In the coming months, we will need:

  • Electricians, including a licensed electrician
  • Plumbers, including a licensed plumber
  • Cooks
  • Drywallers
  • Painters

Persons interested in volunteering on this project may contact Jill McHugh, our Volunteer Coordinator.

In addition, we are looking to borrow a pickup or cargo van from time to time during the course of the project. Please contact Ronn Frantz, our Project Coordinator, if you know of a vehicle or vehicles that could be used for hauling materials when we have work crews on the job.

We will also be needing to purchase additional tools and supplies for our work and for housing and feeding our crews. Donations for work in Ottawa/Naplate can be made out Illinois MDS Unit and mailed to Mahlon Householter. Please add in the memo line, “Ottawa/Naplate.”

MDS Ottawa/Naplate Leadership Committee

Ronn Frantz, Project Coordinator.   Text or call at 773/401-4165.

Jill McHugh, Volunteer Coordinator. Text or call at 708/522-8080.

Doug Goertzen, Construction Supervisor. 309/256-6482.

Ronn, Doug, and Jill can all be emailed at ILMDSunit@gmail.com.

Mahlon Householter, Treasurer. 309/231-6262. house@mtco.com 1545 Church Rd., Eureka, IL   61530.