Hungry World Farm Vision is Taking Root

by Cal Zehr

Brandie and Cal milled some organic corn to make some awesome tasting cornbread

The Hungry World Farm vision is taking root and we the volunteer leaders continue to need your help:
• To refine the vision.
• To take care of the Farm with clean up and upgrades.
• Funding.
• Special projects.

With funding:
The Plow Creek Farmers put together a good package of equipment for $21,325.00.
Plow Creek would like payment on December 1, if possible. (About half of the
$21,325 is promised to the Hungry World Farm, but because of the timing we will not
have those funds available by December 1.)
So we could possibly get a line of credit or loan from a bank.
Or can you help us with this next step?
• Individuals could offer loans or no interest loans.
• Donations could cover the equipment. (Send a check to HWF, PO Box 386, Tiskilwa, IL 61368, or donate through Paypal on our website,, or Facebook.)

For new Hungry World Farm projects, we need:
• Moldboard plowing about 4 or 5 acres this fall.
• 10 pallets.
• Site preparation for a greenhouse which includes plowing and leveling work as well as placing and setting foundation sleeves.
• Workers for a “barn raising” – in this case a greenhouse raising.
• Extending a buried water line.

Please let us know if you have ways to respond to some of these next steps as Hungry World Farm moves forward.

Great news – On November 14, the IRS approved the nonprofit/501c3 status! The letter arrived in Tiskilwa on November 20.

We are deeply appreciative of your interest and support!
Have a great Thanksgiving!

Cal Zehr, Dennis Zehr, Andy Krabill and Brandie Lanier
The Hungry World Farm Steering Committee –

P.S. The Steering Committee is working on the first fundraiser to ask for gifts. The title is “Seeds to Sow,” which will be communicated to Hungry World Farm Friends beginning on November 29. This fundraiser is for start up costs, the first farmer salary and expenditures to get the first growing season going.

Eric Potter Licensing Service at Metamora Mennonite Church

Metamora, IL – On Sunday, November 26, Metamora Mennonite Church celebrated Eric Potter’s licensing towards ordination. The licensing service was led by Conference Executive Minister, Michael Danner and Associate Pastor Jon Byler. Eric was licensed toward ordination on Aug. 31, 2017.

Calling leaders into ordained ministry is an important part of leadership development in the church. As a conference, we celebrate both Eric’s responsiveness to God’s call and Metamora Mennonite’s commitment to those entering into ordained ministry.

May God bless Eric and Metamora Mennonite as they journey together.


Debra Sutter is ordained at First Mennonite Church of Champaign-Urbana

Debra Sutter was ordained on November 17, 2017

From left to right: Doug Roth (Chair of the Church Life Team of Illinois Mennonite Conference), Doug Luginbill, Debra Sutter and Deb’s husband Tom Sutter.

From left to right: Doug Luginbill, Michael Crosby, Debra Sutter, Jane Roeschley, Doug Roth.

From left to right: Jane Roeschley and Debra Sutter. (Jane Roeschley served as Deb’s mentor and preached the sermon entitled, “God’s Heart; A Hymn” based on Philippians 1:1-9 and John 15:9-17)

Laying on of hands.

An Anabaptist Response to Gun Violence

Written By: Hillary Watson 

Hillary Watson is a full-time Mennonite pastor at Lombard Mennonite Church in suburban Chicago. She blogs at Gathering the Stones, where this post first appeared. It is reprinted with permission.

There is a gap in Mennonite response to mass shootings. After a  shooting, when secular headlines buzz with gory details and harrowing survivals, Mennonite news outlets often continue posting business-as-usual news. Over the past few years, as shootings occur, I’ve begun Googling the location + “Anabaptist” or “Mennonite.” When I did it three days after the Sutherland Springs shooting, the first page of search results all read “Missing: Anabaptist.”

Occasionally, a Mennonite publication will carry a call to prayer or brief opinion that restates a general commitment to pacifism, but most often, we are left with the distinct, lonely feeling that pacifism means existing above the fray, and existing above the fray means pretending the violence didn’t happen.

A typical Google search after a mass shooting. (The second hit is a newspaper summarizing local headlines, which included coverage of the shooting on the same page where Anabaptists were given a nod during Reformation Day celebrations.)

Congregations in the same state or region may respond by attending a vigil, but often Anabaptist response is based on proximity and the coverage is a summary of the reactive response. It is not a churchwide, proactive movement but a rippling in one corner of the fabric.

Days after the shooting in Las Vegas, Chicagoland Mennonite pastors met for our monthly pastors’ meeting. For months, we’d planned to have a speaker from Mennonite Central Committee facilitate a conversation about gun violence. Most of the pastors admitted we’d never talked with our congregations about gun violence. We didn’t know how.

Why are our pacifist pastors so ill-equipped to respond to what has become commonplace violence?

Every shooting demands not aloof pacifist whispers, but vocal pacifist witness. If a shooting happens in America and the pacifists have a moment of silence, does anyone hear them? Of course not. Our pacifism is a stale farce if it is never articulated to the broader culture. Just as we were vocal, visible conscientious objectors during the world wars, we ought to be conscientious objectors to the epidemic of gun violence. We ought to be at the forefront of proclaiming “this is wrong and it is sin.” We ought to be on the front pages of the Internet exclaiming, “If this is troubling to you, you are not the only one.”

For every mass shooting, there should be a denominational press release condemning the violence and calling for an understanding of Jesus as a healer and peacemaker. For every mass shooting, there should be a response and ritual in our Sunday services. We should invite RawTools to every convention. We should be banging on MCC Washington’s office door to speak against gun legislation.

And we ought to respond not just in public, but in worship, too. Perhaps we should make a commitment, as peace churches, to acknowledge and mourn every shooting. Every week that a shooting happens, we ought to begin our services all around the country by lighting candles for each victim, calling their memory into our worship recalling that each person was created by God and intended for peace and flourishing. We ought to open each service reading out loud together Matthew 5, from “Blessed are the poor in spirit” all the way to “if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others…be complete, therefore, as your heavenly Father is complete.”** We should repeat Matthew 5 until we memorize it, since it is the chapter we often say is the key to understanding the Christian life.

As I prepare for Sunday services the week after a shooting, I am often frustrated that we have no ritual of lament or prophetic call for peacemaking. It means that in my congregation, we simply don’t acknowledge the shooting. In four years, only once (after Pulse), did we include a ritual of mourning in our worship. I lament that I, as a pastor, have failed to teach my congregation to address gun violence as pacifists. In doing so, I have allowed my congregation to falter in their pacifism. I wish I was bold enough to arrive at church after the next shooting (there will be a next one) and declare a new ritual for these awful occasions—a ritual that affirms our call to peace, just as we regularly affirm our baptismal vows. Perhaps our call to worship should be an affirmation of the posted “no conceal carry” sign on our door.

As a pacifist denomination, we ought to be among the first and the loudest voices proclaiming to be American does not mean owning a gun. That guns do not make us safer; what makes us safer is faith and hope and embrace of the neighbor.

It is not only pacifism that calls us to oppose gun violence. It is also the Anabaptist conviction to love our neighbor and our enemy. Who commits gun violence and mass shootings? Those with nothing to lose. Those who have lost a grasp on the sacredness of life and who feel unvalued, unvalidated and utterly alone. If we are properly loving our neighbor, if we are properly reaching out and integrating the lonely and depressed and hurting neighbor, we are doing gun violence prevention. We are making our communities safer.

And we ought to remember a lesson from our own history of the Russian Mennonite migration to North and South America. In the early 20th century, Russian Mennonites hurried out of the country, persecuted by the Red and White armies as well as local militias. Mennonite communities were targeted for a reason: generations of good farming practice, strong communities, and mutual aid had created tight-knit, wealthy, well-fed communities, while Russian peasants across the region suffered and starved. In the name of being “in the world but not of the world,” the Mennonites ignored their neighbors’ suffering and built bigger fences. Our communities may be thriving and flush with peace, but if we cannot speak to the violence our neighbors’ experience, it will someday bleed into our own lives. And our own record of inaction will leave us ill-prepared to respond.

When the fray bursts with violence, we cannot be above it—we must be in it, among it, with it. But not of it.

Church Spotlight: First Mennonite Church of Champaign-Urbana

The following is a snapshot of congregational life at First Mennonite Church of Champaign-Urbana, IL  provided by Rebecca Bare. If you would like more information on news shared here, please contact the congregation directly. We’re sure they’d love to hear from you.


First Mennonite Church of Champaign-Urbana

Barb Shenk and Dannie Otto were given our blessing on August 6, as they begin a two-year stint as directors of the World Friendship Center in Hiroshima, Japan.

On August 13, Katherine Crosby shared with the congregation her experience with CPT in Hebron.

August 20 was a music service. Amanda Heinsman and Matthew Klopfenstein were received as new members.

John Otto entered hospice care mid-August and died August 27, age 71. A memorial service was held for him on September 6.

September’s worship theme was Seasons of Creation: forest, land, river, and wilderness. Our service on the 3rd was held outdoors, with a picnic following.

Harold Heiser turned 93 on September 3.

Brian Sauder gave the sermon on September 10.

Nine women attended the Women’s Retreat held at Camp Friedenswald on the weekend of September 15-17. Many people who stayed in Champaign participated in the CU Pride Parade which took place on the 16th.

On October 1st, worldwide communion Sunday, Leslie Deem and Cheryl Koranda were received as new members.

On October 15, we held a joint service with our sister church, El Divino Redentor, in Bucaramanga, Colombia. We were able to do this via Skype. It was a blessed experience to share songs and have a joint sermon. Because our sister church is Lutheran, the service included a confession of sins perpetrated by Lutherans against the Anabaptists 500 years ago.

November 5 was our Remembrance Sunday. We remembered and prayed for our friends and family who died this past year.

Long time member, Conrad Wezel of Overland Park, KS died on Oct. 17.


Gary Martin Installed as Transitional Pastor

St. Louis, MO – On Sunday, November 12, Gary Martin was installed as transitional pastor at St. Louis Mennonite Fellowship. Gary began his work in October 2017. He is following the long-term pastorate of Samuel Voth Schrag who was there for 10 years. Gary will assist the congregation as they create a vision for the next leg of their journey.

Please be in prayer for Gary and SLMF as they work together to consider God’s future for their congregation.

Plowsharing Crafts

Plowsharing Crafts has provided meaningful income to skilled artisans around the world by marketing their products in the St. Louis area since 1985. Plowsharing Crafts is a ministry of the St. Louis Mennonite Fellowship, one of two Mennonite churches located in the St. Louis area. Plowsharing Crafts is a member of the Fair Trade Federation, and a 501c3 not-for-profit organization. Largely staffed by volunteers from the community, and they always welcome new friends to join their team.

Many of the products are made with sustainable and recycled materials.

Their food products are grown all over the world by small farmers using sustainable methods.

To learn more about Plowsharing Crafts you can visit their website at



Parents and Childrens Workers: Check out Advent at Home Worship Guides


Are you looking for ways to celebrate Advent at Home this Advent season?  Check out the Advent at Home resource from Shana Boshart, conference minister of Central Plains Mennonite conference.

Church leaders, you can use the following bulletin announcements below to get the word out about this resource to parents in your congregation.


For Sunday, November 19
Nurture children’s faith at home this Advent and Christmas through family worship. Find a free, downloadable guide at For use between December 3 and January 6, it includes a daily Bible reading, short litany, songs, hands-on activities and questions to ponder together.

For Sunday, November 26
Families with children: Next week is the First Sunday of Advent and the beginning of “Yes! Let It Be!” a free, downloadable guide for family worship from December 3 to January 6. Pick and choose the activities that work best for your family. Find it at

For Sunday, December 3
Advent At Home begins today! Download the free guide for Advent family worship at “Yes! Let It Be!” will help you slow down with your children to ponder and prepare for what it means to receive Jesus.

For Sunday, December 10
It’s not too late to start Advent family worship. Just go to and download “Yes! Let It Be!” a free guide for family worship from December 3 to January 6.


If you have questions about this resource, contact Shana Peachey Boshart at 319-936-5905 or​