Retreat…it does a soul good!

Flower from the woods at Camp Friedenswald
On Monday, May 8, I (Michael) gathered with the conference ministers from Indiana-Michigan, Central District, and Ohio Mennonite Conferences for a time of retreat. We spent time dwelling in Word, walking silently in nature, eating together, sharing about our work, praying together and observing communion together.
This is an important time for me. When I was starting as CEM, I learned to know and trust conference ministers from neighboring conferences. Leading well in the midst of shifting realities within MC USA and IMC today takes discernment. I am always refreshed and encouraged by my colleagues in ministry. I leave these times with hope and trust that God is indeed at work in and through God’s church.
Please keep our conferences – and all MC USA conferences and conference ministers – in your prayers.
AND, most importantly, make sure you set aside time to retreat. A week, a day, or just a few hours of intentionally entering into silence, prayer, discernment, and listening will do your soul good.