The following is a snapshot of congregational life at First Mennonite Church of Morton  provided by Darlene Berry. If you would like more information on news shared here, please contact the congregation directly. We’re sure they’d love to hear from you.


First Mennonite Church of Morton

We will have “Church on the Lawn” on June 25. There will be no Sunday School. The morning will start with doughnuts and fellowship at 9:45AM. At 10:30AM, Worship will start out on the church lawn. Please bring lawn chairs and dress casually. If the weather doesn’t cooperate, we’ll move inside. Worship Commission will provide hot dogs, hamburgers and drinks for lunch. Please bring your own table service and a side dish to share. We will eat in the Fellowship Hall. This would be a great opportunity to invite family and friends to join us for Worship.

Everyone is invited to the church on Saturday, June 24 at 6:30PM to watch “War Room”, one of the greatest new movies on the subject of prayer. Popcorn and drinks will be provided.

On Sunday, June 25, we will be celebrating believer’s baptism and giving people the opportunity to publicly confess faith in Jesus. If you are interested in being baptized, please talk to Pastor Aaron soon.

After a year and a half of searching, Mike Yordy and the Search Committee, are recommending Tom Linderman as our Pastor of Family Life. Tom was ordained in the Baptist General Conference. He has been serving in full-time to meet Tom before our Congregational Meeting on Sunday, July 9. You are welcome to meet him during an open house at 5:00PM on Wednesday, June 21 (at FMC) or during Worship on the Lawn on Sunday, June 25. Please be praying for the Holy Spirit’s guidance and discernment as we all consider affirming Tom for Pastoral ministry within FMC.

Important Events

Marriages – Emma Roth and Chase Smith on May 27
