Over the weekend, Tropical Storm Harvey hit land, bringing intense rainfalls and flooding to Houston, the fourth largest city in the United States. The city is home to four Mennonite churches whose pastors have been keeping in touch with each other and their members via phone, as they continue to pray for safety and for an end to the onslaught of rain. Mennonite Disaster Service also has a team of people scheduled to arrive in the city later this week, on Wednesday or Thursday, to begin working with local organizations to assess damage and begin relief work.
The storm, which the National Weather Service referred to on Twitter as “unprecedented” and “beyond anything experienced,” began on Friday, Aug. 25, and though rains have slowed, drizzle continues to be in the forecast for the week ahead. So far, five fatalities have been reported. Many across the city are reporting injuries, and there are widespread reports of homes and businesses being damaged or destroyed by floodwaters across the city.
Pastor Alberto Parchmont of Iglesia Menonita Casa del Alfarero in Pasadena, Texas, was grateful to report that all the members of his church were safe and had shelter in dry places. Parchmont is currently providing shelter for six people in his own home.
“Everybody is in communication,” said Parchmont on Aug. 28. “We check in and ask, What happened to you? Are you OK? I called every day to check in on everybody in the congregation to see if they have a problem, and so far every person has said that they are OK.”
Parchmont also noted that the storm causes economic concerns for congregational members. Many of them who work in construction or as teachers’ aids are losing hourly income, many of them for up to a week, as local businesses and schools remain closed due to flooding.
According to Marty Troyer, pastor of Houston Mennonite Church, church members have reported receiving anywhere from 27.5 to 40 inches of rain over the last three days.
“We’d definitely invite prayers for all the Mennonites and people in Houston,” said Troyer. “I’ve checked in with all three of the Mennonite churches and [the] church plant in the city, and all [are] reporting [being] safe and dry. Today we’ve lost a couple of cars. Please pray for ongoing safety. And I would ask for prayers for us as we try to live out our faith to our neighbors. There are definitely people who need help, and I would ask for prayers that Mennonites here in Houston can do what we can and be bold enough to see ourselves as part of the solution.”
Pastor Simon Lian Hmung Tlumang of Chin Emmanuel Baptist Church in Houston, a member of Western District Conference, said that some members of their congregation have lost vehicles, as apartment parking lots flooded.
Tlumang notes that right now members of the church are mostly hunkered down in their homes and unable to help their neighbors. “Right now, even we cannot go to anybody,” he said in an Aug. 28 phone interview. “Even I myself am just sitting in the house. We cannot go outside because of the flooding, and I don’t see anybody outside.”
Mark Beach, communications manager for Mennonite Disaster Service, says the organization has already begun to prepare to be a presence in relief and rebuilding efforts after the storm passes.
“We expect to be there,” said Beach in an Aug. 28 phone interview. “What’s amazing is that there have been so few fatalities, and we hope it stays that way and all that’s left is to rebuild and get people back in their homes. It’s hard to understand the magnitude of the storm at this point in time. We can’t speculate what it’s going to be, but we know there’s going to be a role for MDS.”
The organization has started collecting donations and been in touch with local Houston Mennonite pastors and leaders at nearby San Antonio (Texas) Mennonite Church and Austin (Texas) Mennonite Church about assisting in relief efforts. MDS is also in regular communication with long-term recovery committees in both Houston and nearby Bastrop, Texas, where MDS has already been at work addressing a previous flood. MDS is also part of a national organization, Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD), which helps coordinate rebuilding efforts after disasters.
Troyer notes that Mennonites and MDS already have a good reputation in Houston because of their help

Photo from Flickr/Creative Commons.
in rebuilding in 2001, following Tropical Storm Allison, which also led to widespread flooding and displacement in the city.
All three congregations canceled their usual Sunday morning worship services. In lieu of gathering in person, Houston Mennonite Church posted a virtual worship service on their website, including a video message from Troyer and prayers and questions for church members to engage.
“Talking about canceling worship just sounded strange,” said Troyer. “We don’t have to get together, but we don’t need to cancel worship.”
The service opened with a praise and hope drawn from Luke 1: “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.…His mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts. He has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly; he has filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty.”
MDS is now accepting donations to help fund their work in Houston following Tropical Storm Harvey. You can also sign up to volunteer in ongoing relief efforts.
Featured image: Flickr/Creative commons.