The annual business meeting will be at Menno Haven Camp and Retreat Center. We want to meet together to review the work within our conference over the last year, hear from some of our church wide partners and plan for the future.
We will be approving a budget, reviewing IMC leadership’s practices regarding credentialing, affirming individuals for leadership teams, and hearing from conference minister David Miller and associate conference minister Martin Navarro. Congregations, please appoint your delegates (5 per congregation, plus pastors).
Please register by February 15. The registration cost is $11 to cover cost of the meal (cash or check due at registration on day of meeting). If someone is unable to pay the registration, please attend anyway – we’ll take care of the cost. All meeting materials are available on the conference website:
If you have questions, please contact Darrel at
We hope to see you February 15 at Menno Haven.