Help Shape the Future of Illinois Mennonite Conference
Let me set the scene. The conference continues to support congregations and pastors through pastoral coaching, mediation, pastoral searches, resourcing, relationship building, and credentialing. Our staff consists of one Full-time Executive Minister, 1 half-time Executive Assistant, and one 1/8 time Associate Conference Minister for Hispanic Ministries. The conference has made almost every substantial cut in expenses – we’re pretty lean. Yet, we are still facing a projected loss that will eat up what remains of our reserves (this is not 100% – January is the last month of our fiscal year – but we project being in the red $13,000).
There are many factors contributing to this reality. However, they do not change that reality. Our current income levels cannot support our current approach.
The conference is our congregations! The decision making authority of the conference rests with congregational delegates. Therefore, the delegates have some discernment to do. That discernment is the focus of our February 17, 2018 business meeting at Metamora Mennonite Church, beginning at 9 am.
If you are used to delegates gathering to “rubber stamp” budgets, THIS is NOT THAT!
Right now the conference needs congregations and delegates to gather together, fully-engaged, making spiritual discernment about the direction of the conference.
On our end, conference leaders are working to set the stage for effective discernment at that meeting.
The IMC Business meeting is on Saturday, February 17, 2018, at Metamora Mennonite Church in Metamora, IL. We will begin at 9 am and conclude no later than 4 pm. Each congregation is allowed 5 delegates. Congregations, please do your best to be represented in full or part. Credentialled leaders, please participate in this gathering – your wisdom and insight are needed.
There is no cost for this event. We will take a donation to cover meal expenses if you are able (please don’t let this be a reason you do not participate). For planning purposes, please RSVP to Holly Mason by February 5.