Conflict in your church?
Of course not, after all, we are peace-loving Mennonites.
That’s a common response to an even more common reality – conflict in the church.
Why wouldn’t there be conflict in the church? After all, the church is made up of human beings with diverse opinions and perspectives. Our faith calls us to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger, but we often fall short of that ideal.
So what do you do when there is conflict in the church?
Believe it or not, conflict can be a great opportunity for growth in a faith community. In order to help congregations move from conflict avoidance to conflict transformation, AMBS is offering a six-week short course.
This online short course, entitled Transforming Congregational Conflict, runs 6-weeks from April 12 – May 23. It is taught by Betty Pries, CMed, MTS, Ph.D. candidate. The cost is $250. CEU’s available.
Who should take this course?
Any pastor or person leading a faith community that has not had training in conflict transformation should start with this course. After all, it’s not a matter of if you will have to lead through conflict, it is a matter of when.
This course is also great for lay leaders, business leaders or anyone who wants to learn to do conflict better.
For more information go to