Seeking Peace in Israel Palestine
Click Here to read the Seeking Peace in Israel and Palestine Resolution
At the Mennonite Church USA gathering in Orlando (July 2017), delegates overwhelming affirmed a resolution entitled Seeking Peace in Israel and Palestine. Now it is up to individuals, local congregations, and conferences to live into the resolution.
Below is a letter from Danny Aramouni, a pastoral intern at Reba Place Church in Evanston, IL. Danny provides a starting place, as well as helpful information about legislation that is intended to limit peacemaking efforts. This letter was originally sent to Reba Place Church members. IMC is posting it here with Danny’s permission.
Let us know how your church is living into this resolution!
Dear Reba Place Church family,
As you know, our denomination, Mennonite Church USA, recently overwhelmingly passed a resolution in opposition to both anti-Semitism and the oppressive Israeli military occupation of Palestine. One of the points of the resolution is encouraging our denominational agencies to divest from companies that support the occupation. When we discussed this resolution as a congregation, many of you asked how you could personally make your voices heard against military occupation, and I pointed you to the international boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement to put pressure on Israel to recognize the human rights of Palestinians.
Recently, however, a bill has been introduced in the Senate known as the Israel Anti-Boycott Act, which would make boycott activity in conjunction with an international governmental organization, such as the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), a criminal offense punishable by up to a $1 million fine and 20 years in prison. This is not only counter to human rights–it is also a blatant and unprecedented violation of the First Amendment right to freedom of speech, which includes the right to boycott, as in the early colonial American boycott of British goods and the Montgomery Bus Boycott during the Civil Rights Movement.
I would strongly encourage you to watch the short video (under two minutes) linked below from our Quaker friends at the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) regarding this bill, and then, if you feel led, to use the form they provide below the video to quickly and easily contact your senators and representatives, informing them of your opposition to this bill and support for global human rights. I believe that this is the most consistent action we can take as people of God, whose Kingdom transcends all earthly powers.
Watch AFSC’s video and make your voice heard.
If you are interested in more information concerning the bill, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has a helpful FAQ page about it.
Thank you for your time and support.
Grace and peace in Christ,
Danny Aramouni
RPC Pastoral Intern