Participate in the Future Church Summit

“I feel we have lost our vision, and it needs to be reignited. I came to this church to be part of a different narrative — a counter-cultural, anti-Christendom movement that follows a radical Jesus. The first Anabaptists chose to be radical – not assimilated to culture or the spirit of the age. We need to go back to the beginning — our radical reformation theology — and reignite an Anabaptist vision in our own context.”

—Hyun Hur, co-founder and director of ReconciliAsian in Pasadena, California, speaking at the first planning meeting for the upcoming Future Church Summit, a gathering to imagine an Anabaptist future for Mennonite Church USA.


At the Orlando convention, we will engage in a large-group visioning process called The Future Church Summit.  The Future Church Summit will be a generative, open space for denomination-wide conversation — to dream together, reset priorities and engage one another in answering the question: How will we follow Jesus as Anabaptists in the 21st century?  

All delegates are a part of the Future Church Summit.  However, there is also an opportunity for non-delegates to participate as well.  Click here for more information about #mennofcs and how you can participate.