Hillary Watson Affirmed for Ordination
Lombard, IL – On Tuesday, January 23 the Church Life Team (CLT) of Illinois Mennonite Conference (IMC) affirmed Hillary Watson, associate pastor at Lombard Mennonite Church, for the credential of ordination. Hillary is now an ordained minister within Illinois Mennonite Conference and Mennonite Church USA.

L to R – Anne Munley, Doug Roth, Michael Danner, Hillary Watson, Curt Fenton, and Melissa Bietler
Hillary’s ordination is the culmination of a 4-year process. During the last four years, Hillary was active in ministry. Her call was tested and her gifts were demonstrated in the church community. Her call was confirmed and her gifts were affirmed.
Ordination candidates prepare a written response to questions about their faith, theology, spiritual disciplines, leadership, and Anabaptist witness. The candidates responses serve as the basis for the interview. The CLT reports joy in reading Hillary’s writing and engaging her in substantive discussions sparked by her journey.
Michael Danner, of IMC, says, “I look forward to seeing how God will continue to use Hillary’s gifts and passion for others in ministry.” Please pray for Hillary as she lives into this calling. A celebration is being planned by leaders at Lombard Mennonite Church.
The IMC Church Life Team consists of Anne Munley, Doug Roth (chair), Charlotte Lehman (absent for this interview), and Curt Fenton. Michael Danner, Conference Executive Minister, also participates in credentialing interviews.
To learn more about the ordination process and what ordination means within an Anabaptist/Mennonite context, read A Shared Understanding of Ministerial Leadership, available at mennomedia.com