Two Important Outcomes from Orlando 2017
There are two important outcomes from the 2017 MC USA Convention in Orlando, FL.
First, the delegate body passed a resolution on Israel-Palestine. As a conference, we agree to live into the discernments and resolutions passed by the delegate body of MC USA. Please read the summary articles and the resolution. We’ll be talking more about this in IMC.
Second, the Future Church Summit yielded a good picture of where the participants would like to see MC USA head in the future. Illinois Mennonite Conference Conference Executive Minister, Michael Daner, said, “It was a privilege to participate in the Future Church Summit. The process was creative and accomplished its purpose.” What remains to be seen, according to Danner, is what church leadership will do with the feedback provided by FCS participants. Danner said, “It took a lot of courage for the FCS participants to share their hopes and dreams for the church going forward. The question is, will leadership – including conferences – have the courage to move the church in those directions.” The hope present in the FCS report is the hope of an energized Anabaptist witness for today.
You can read a daily summary of convention happenings at The Orlando Squeeze (button above) and The Mennonite (click here).