It is your turn!
Church revitalization begins with telling a different story. But that’s not all.
It also requires you (and every you in the church).
It requires you because…
1.) It’s your turn! It’s your turn to engage in risky love, to extend radical hospitality, to proclaim the gospel with words and actions, to do what Jesus said, to clothe and feed and give a drink to the naked, hungry, and thirsty. You are not on the bench or even on deck. You’re up to bat. You’re on stage and they are about to open the curtain. The concert started and it’s time for your solo.
2.) There is no one else! No one else can step into the opportunities that you have. Other’s can’t love the people in your life on your behalf. They can’t extend hospitality to the neighbor or stranger at your door. They can’t proclaim the gospel with your voice and life. They can’t do what Jesus taught for you. They cannot provide clothes, food, and water for those in need around you on your behalf. Your opportunities are uniquely yours.
3.) You are more than enough! Jesus prepared you to do this. The Spirit is working ahead of you. The Spirit is empowering you. The Spirit gives you every gift needed to do the good works God has in store for you. You are ready for such a time as this.
Are you responsible?
Are you able-to-respond to the opportunity that is yours? Will you take the opportunity to participate fully in what God is doing, in and through Jesus, by the Spirit, for the world?
It is not easy. It is not always fun. There are no guarantees.
Yet, Jesus points us to a kingdom that is worth the risk.
Church revitalization happens when people in the church take responsibility for the mission that is uniquely theirs.
There are no short cuts. There are no workarounds or hacks. There is only the work of being present and responsible for the opportunities before you. A vital church is a collection of people, doing the daily work of living into their calling, as they follow Jesus together.