Annual Assembly 2023

“Above all, maintain constant love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins.”  1 Peter 4:7-11



Time: Saturday, March 11, 10 am – 3 pm

Place: Sonido de Alabanza, 5540 W 25th St., Cicero, IL


Illinois Mennonite Conference churches were invited to gather  on March 11 for IMC’s annual assembly. See resources below.

We worshipped, received reports from IMC and other agencies, and had time for fellowship.

We thank Sonido de Alabanza for welcoming us to their facility for this event.

Assembly Resources 2023

Moderator Report 2023

March 11 Overview

IMC Budget 2023

IMC Minutes 2022

MMN 2023

MMN 2023 S

Hungry World Farms Report




Comforter Blitz 2023

Hopedale Mennonite Church sponsored a comforter blitz on Saturday, January 21 and Saturday, February 4.  A total of 52 comforters were completed to send to Mennonite Central Committee.  There were 52 participants on January 21 and 49 on February 4.  Participants included women, men and children from area Mennonite Churches as well as churches of other denominations in the surrounding towns.  All enjoyed days of fun, fellowship and joy in making comforters to share with global neighbors.  On Sunday, February 5th, the congregation of Hopedale Mennonite Church held a time of blessing for those who made the comforters and for those who will receive the comforters.

Nepali Ministry Dec 2022

Jaimashi dear prayer partners and friends,

Thank you very much for your prayer and support for the Nepali ministry. I can see that God has been using our Nepali brothers and sisters in different parts of the world to equip the Church. November and December 2022’s Nepali ministry activity report is attached (PDF version). Please continue to pray for the ministry.



Olak Sunuwar

202212 Activity Report pdf

Seminary names Doctor of Ministry Program Co-Directors

By Annette Brill Bergstresser

ELKHART, Indiana (Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary) — Jewel Gingerich Longenecker, PhD, and Daniel Schrock, DMin, have been named Co-Directors of the new Doctor of Ministry (DMin) in Leadership program at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS) in Elkhart, Indiana.

(l. to r.) AMBS Doctor of Ministry Program Co-Directors Dan Schrock, DMin, and Jewel Gingerich Longenecker, PhD
(l. to r.) AMBS Doctor of Ministry Program Co-Directors Dan Schrock, DMin, and Jewel Gingerich Longenecker, PhD (Credit: Rachel A. Fonseca)

The new Co-Directors, who began Sept. 19, are sharing the half-time position, overseeing the program’s faculty and curriculum as well as guiding student advisory groups and doctoral research project committees. Both are continuing in their existing roles at AMBS — Gingerich Longenecker as Dean of Lifelong Learning and Schrock as a Core Adjunct Faculty member in the area of spiritual direction.

Beverly Lapp, EdD, Vice President and Academic Dean, sees Gingerich Longenecker and Schrock as bringing a unique combination of the experience, education and skills needed to successfully launch and lead the new program, which will begin in January 2023.

“The co-director approach maximizes their gifts for leadership of the Doctor of Ministry as a planned collaboration of AMBS’s graduate programs and Church Leadership Center,” she said.

This 32-credit-hour competency-based degree program is designed to help mid-career pastors and ministry leaders strengthen their leadership capacities for the advanced practice of ministry. It’s the only DMin in the U.S. to be deliberately developed with an Anabaptist framework.

Jewel Gingerich Longenecker 

Gingerich Longenecker first joined AMBS in 2001 as Associate Dean for Leadership Education and was promoted to her current role in 2014. Prior to coming to AMBS, she served as Conference Youth Minister for Iowa-Nebraska Conference of the Mennonite Church (1993–98) and as Campus Pastor for Iowa Mennonite School in Kalona (1993–95). She also was a member of the Theological Education Committee of Southeast Iowa.

Over her 20+ years in leadership at AMBS, Gingerich Longenecker has helped design and launch multiple continuing education programs, including !Explore: A Theological Program for High School Youth and AMBS’s Online Short Courses. In the mid-2000s, she collaborated with Mennonite conference leaders to create the undergraduate-level Journey Conference-based Leadership Development Program, which now continues under AMBS ownership as the Journey Missional Leadership Development Program. From 2005 to 2011, she directed Engaging Pastors: Jointly Tending to Excellence in Ministry, an initiative that fostered collaboration and sustained conversations among more than 450 pastors and AMBS professors to strengthen the ministries of each. Most recently, she led the design and development of the Transition to Leadership and Ministry Integrity Circles programs, which provide support and guidance to seminary graduates in their first pastorates and to pastors facing ministry transitions.

“In her church and seminary roles, Jewel has listened attentively to the needs of the church for theological and leadership education at a variety of levels, and she has helped AMBS respond to these needs with adaptive programming,” Lapp said.

Gingerich Longenecker also has led the planning of the seminary’s annual Pastors & Leaders conference and has coordinated a range of workshops, webinars and seminars, including the yearlong Spiritual Direction Seminars taught by Schrock. Lapp noted that the new Co-Directors have already worked collaboratively over the last 10 years.

Gingerich Longenecker earned a Doctor of Philosophy in Leadership in 2014 from Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan; a Master of Arts: Theological Studies with a concentration in Biblical Studies in 1992 from AMBS; and a Bachelor of Arts in Education in 1988 from Eastern Mennonite College (now University) in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Her doctoral dissertation was titled, “The pastor as vital link: A study in how seminary-educated pastors engender engagement with Scripture in select congregations,” and she has written and presented on reading and teaching the Bible in congregational settings.

Gingerich Longenecker resides in South Bend, Indiana, and is part of Kern Road Mennonite Church in South Bend — a congregation of Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference of Mennonite Church USA.

Daniel Schrock

According to Lapp, Schrock brings to his new role a long history of developing leaders. He has been a spiritual director for both individuals and groups since 1996. In 2007, he launched a private spiritual direction practice focusing on Christian leaders — including pastors, chaplains, educators, conference ministers, and organizational and institutional leaders. He also has been a pastor at Lombard (Illinois) Mennonite Church (1990–91); Columbus (Ohio) Mennonite Church (1991–2002); and Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship in Goshen, Indiana (2002–20).

Schrock earned a Doctor of Ministry in Christian Spirituality in 2007 from Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia; a Certificate in the Art of Spiritual Direction in 1999 from San Francisco (California) Theological Seminary; a Master of Arts in Theology in 1987 from Chicago (Illinois) Theological Seminary; and a Bachelor of Arts in English in 1981 from Goshen College. In 2016, he completed Supervisor Training for Spiritual Directors through Together in the Mystery in San Luis Obispo, California, and he has served as a Continuing Education Instructor there since 2018. He also has provided wellness coaching for pastors and their spouses through Mennonite Church USA’s Corinthian Plan (2019–22).

Schrock joined AMBS in 2009 as a guest instructor in Christian spirituality and became a Core Adjunct Faculty member in 2013, teaching courses in spiritual direction and spiritual practices. He also has led occasional training sessions for the Journey Missional Leadership Development Program.

“Through his work as a spiritual director and wellness coach, Dan has been convinced that the DMin in Leadership at AMBS is the response the church needs for the challenges pastors and leaders are facing today,” Lapp noted.

Schrock’s doctoral work led him to publish The Dark Night: A Gift of God (Herald, 2009). He also co-edited An Open Place: The Ministry of Group Spiritual Direction (Morehouse, 2012) and wrote Prayer Practices for Terrifically Busy People (Lulu, 2007). He has been a frequent presenter on spiritual direction, spiritual disciplines, prayer and faith formation. He lives in Goshen and is part of Walnut Hill Mennonite Church in Goshen, also an Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference congregation.

Located in Elkhart, Indiana, on ancestral land of the Potawatomi and Miami peoples, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary is a learning community with an Anabaptist vision, offering theological education for learners both on campus and at a distance as well as a wide arr

CDC and Illinois Conference members at AMBS

By Annette Brill Bergstresser

Kajsa Herrstrom, MDiv, MSLIS, of Champaign, Illinois, began Aug. 22, 2022, as full-time Resource Access Librarian for Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS) in Elkhart, Indiana. She had been serving as Interim Librarian since May 2022.

Kajsa Herrstrom (Credit: Peter Ringenberg)
Kajsa Herrstrom (Credit: Peter Ringenberg)

In her new role, Herrstrom will serve participants in the seminary’s graduate-level and Lifelong Learning programs, connecting students and faculty members with a diverse range of library resources for research and study. She will purchase print and electronic library materials, manage resource sharing with partner libraries, and provide instructional design services, among other responsibilities.

Herrstrom graduated from AMBS in April 2022 with a Master of Divinity with a major in Christian Faith Formation. She previously earned a Bachelor of Arts in Germanic Languages and Literature in 2002 and a Master of Science in Library and Information Science in 2006 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

While studying at AMBS, Herrstrom served in the AMBS Library as a student employee and also worked on the seminary’s custodial and summer crews (2018–2022). She also brings experience from having held various office support roles at the University of Illinois (2015–17) and from having worked in the Conservation Unit of the University of Illinois Library (2005–07) and at Champaign Public Library (2003–08).

“Kajsa’s graduate work in both library science and theology — with a specialty in faith formation — and her experience in customer service and library settings enable her to facilitate the AMBS Library’s role in forming leaders for God’s reconciling mission in the world,” said Karl Stutzman, MLS, Director of Library Services. “I look forward to the ways in which she will improve the library’s services through her gifts for careful, detailed work as well as her creativity and artistry.”

Herrstrom’s home congregation is First Mennonite Church of Champaign-Urbana, a congregation of both Central District Conference and Illinois Mennonite Conference of Mennonite Church USA. Locally, she attends Hively Avenue Mennonite Church, a congregation of Central District Conference.

ELKHART, Indiana (Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary) — Paul A. Keim, PhD, of Goshen, Indiana, began Sept. 6 as half-time Student Services Coordinator for Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS) in Elkhart, Indiana. He also serves in the seminary’s Bible Department as a Core Adjunct Faculty member, a role he has held since 2003.

Paul Keim, PhD (Credit: Goshen College)

Keim brings many years of academic and intercultural experience to his new role, in which he oversees support services for all AMBS students, both individually and systemically.

He has served at Goshen (Indiana) College as Professor of Bible, Religion and Philosophy (2001 to present) and as Academic Dean (1997–2001). During the 2021–22 academic year, he served AMBS as Visiting Professor of Biblical Studies and Chair of the Bible Department. He also has been a visiting professor at Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany; the College of Charleston (South Carolina); and Indiana University in Bloomington. He has taught courses in biblical studies, the Hebrew Scriptures, ancient and modern languages, Judaism, Islam, creation and evolution, and religion and sports.

Keim has co-led semester-long Study Service Terms for Goshen College students in Germany (2005) and Morocco (2012); served in Poland as a Country Representative for Mennonite Central Committee (1980–82); and was a Resident Volunteer at the Salam Medical Center and Noor Es-Salaam School in El-Qanatir Elkhaireya, Egypt (2013). He reads and speaks a variety of ancient and modern languages.

“Paul has shown students care and compassion throughout his years of teaching — balancing both the academic and personal needs of students in his classes and beyond,” said Mary Ann Weber, MA, Director of Enrollment. “He is well suited to the Student Services Coordinator role because of his excellent relational and cross-cultural skills and his concern for students. I look forward to seeing how Paul will use his gifts and experience in working with AMBS students.”

Keim earned a PhD in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations from Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1992; a Master of Divinity with a concentration in Old Testament from AMBS in 1985; and a Bachelor of Arts from Goshen College in 1978, majoring in Biblical Studies and minoring in German. He attends Assembly Mennonite Church in Goshen, a congregation of Central District Conference of Mennonite Church USA.

Located in Elkhart, Indiana, on ancestral land of the Potawatomi and Miami peoples, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary is a learning community with an Anabaptist vision, offering theological education for learners both on campus and at a distance as well as a wide array of lifelong learning programs — all with the goal of educating followers of Jesus Christ to be leaders for God’s reconciling mission in the world.

Hopedale MCC Comforter Blitz

comforter blitz

We are gathering to assemble as many comforters as possible (at blitz speed) to donate to the Mennonite Central Committee. We hope to complete at least 35 comforters.

We also welcome pre-made comforter tops (60” x 80”) and backs (65” x 85”) for assembly at the Comforter Blitz. Tops and backs may be brought directly to the Comforter Blitz or dropped off at Hopedale Mennonite Church ahead of time.


Dates: Saturday, January 21, 2023 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Saturday, February 4, 2023 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Please come and go as you are able. Lunch will be provided both days.

Location: Hopedale Mennonite Church. 5192 Hopedale Rd., Hopedale IL 61747

Please RSVP to Hopedale Mennonite Church, 309-449-6600 or (so we can plan for lunch)
Questions? Contact Sarah Buller Fenton, 309-645-5822 or

Mennonite Arts Weekend

“Between: Embracing Vulnerability” is the theme for the sixteenth Mennonite Arts Weekend, February 3-5, 2023 in Cincinnati, Ohio. This weekend celebrates the creativity and discipline of Anabaptist Mennonite artists. Presentations and workshops by musicians, visual artists, writers, and craftspeople start on Friday evening and conclude with Sunday morning worship. Activities and workshops designed specifically for Pre-K children through high school are planned throughout the weekend. A nursery will be available.


Now is the time to take advantage of the early-bird registration offer and sign-up for limited spaces in workshops. Find the list of presenters and registration, location, and lodging information at Come enjoy the fun, connect with friends, and hear Girl Named Tom.

Ordination of Pastor Kenneth “Ken” Hawes

This past Sunday, 8-7-22, I was privileged to join Freeport Mennonite Church for the ordination of Pastor Kenneth “Ken” Hawes, pictured here with his wife, Stephanie, and with me. Ken and family moved from Alaska in the spring of 2019 to accept the call from the Freeport congregation, just after the start of COVID quarantine. The congregation welcomed them warmly, while distancing and offering support as best they could for their new pastor and his family.
Freeport is known for its MCC meat canning event which takes place each December. Pastor Ken tells of each year’s uncertainty with Covid restrictions and cost factors, and yet, each year, he says, God said, “Look what I am going to do!” and more meat was canned than the years before. The local community comes together to join with Freeport and other congregations to make this important event possible.
It was my joy as a member of the Church Life Team to ordain Ken to the service of Christ and the Freeport congregation on behalf of Illinois Mennonite Conference.
Anne Perkins Munley
Pastor, North Suburban Mennonite Church
Member, Church Life Team