Mennonite Arts Weekend

“Between: Embracing Vulnerability” is the theme for the sixteenth Mennonite Arts Weekend, February 3-5, 2023 in Cincinnati, Ohio. This weekend celebrates the creativity and discipline of Anabaptist Mennonite artists. Presentations and workshops by musicians, visual artists, writers, and craftspeople start on Friday evening and conclude with Sunday morning worship. Activities and workshops designed specifically for Pre-K children through high school are planned throughout the weekend. A nursery will be available.


Now is the time to take advantage of the early-bird registration offer and sign-up for limited spaces in workshops. Find the list of presenters and registration, location, and lodging information at Come enjoy the fun, connect with friends, and hear Girl Named Tom.

Ordination of Pastor Kenneth “Ken” Hawes

This past Sunday, 8-7-22, I was privileged to join Freeport Mennonite Church for the ordination of Pastor Kenneth “Ken” Hawes, pictured here with his wife, Stephanie, and with me. Ken and family moved from Alaska in the spring of 2019 to accept the call from the Freeport congregation, just after the start of COVID quarantine. The congregation welcomed them warmly, while distancing and offering support as best they could for their new pastor and his family.
Freeport is known for its MCC meat canning event which takes place each December. Pastor Ken tells of each year’s uncertainty with Covid restrictions and cost factors, and yet, each year, he says, God said, “Look what I am going to do!” and more meat was canned than the years before. The local community comes together to join with Freeport and other congregations to make this important event possible.
It was my joy as a member of the Church Life Team to ordain Ken to the service of Christ and the Freeport congregation on behalf of Illinois Mennonite Conference.
Anne Perkins Munley
Pastor, North Suburban Mennonite Church
Member, Church Life Team

Nepali Outreach Update

Dear co-laborers in Christ, Jaimashi!

Thank you for your continuous prayer and support for the ministry of Living Water Community Church (LWCC). I would like to share our Nepali outreach ministry report from the last two months, January and February 2022. Apart from the Bible Study, Prayers, and Leadership development training, I was also involved in finding jobs for the Nepali community members and counseling Nepali pastors who are seeking more advanced theological training.


Jan-Feb. 2020 activity report

History of Resolution for Repentance and Transformation – Executive Board

DALLAS, Texas (Mennonite Church USA) — The Executive Board (EB) of Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) looked to the future of the denomination during its first meeting of the biennium on Sept. 23-25, 2021. During the hybrid online and in-person session, EB members focused on board development, collaborative agency relationships, congregational leadership cultivation and the upcoming special delegate session on May 27-30, 2022 in Kansas City, Missouri. They also resolved an impasse in the denomination’s resolution process.

For more information, visit

MC USA Executive Board looks toward future with 7 new members


MCUSA May 2022 Special Assembly


Coming soon!

Here is the tentative schedule for upcoming webinars. More details and registration information coming as soon as it is available. Webinars will be held at 7.p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT. All webinars will be recorded.

Date                    Subject

Jan 10                 Communicating Across Differences
Jan 24                 Role of Resolutions
Jan 31                 Biblical Discernment
Feb 7                   Review of the Justice Resolution
Feb 14                 Review of Membership Guidelines Resolution
Feb 21                 Review of the Repentance & Transformation Resolution
Feb 28                Review of the ADN Resolution
March 4             Call to Prayer and Fasting
March 28           The Role of Delegates
April 4                Expectations of the Special Delegate Assembly

Travel and safety info coming soon.

Meat Canning 2021 at Freeport

3416 East Brick School Rd., Freeport, IL 61032
Kenneth Hawes, Pastor;
Greetings, Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We are pleased to inform you that Freeport Mennonite Church (FMC) is planning to host the Mennonite Central Committee
(MCC) Canner again this year for the 2021-2022 canning season. As our churches, communities, and nation continue to deal
with issues locally and globally, we plan to come together and make positive lasting relationships while helping feed those in
need once again this year.
We feel the need for aide is greater now more than ever, due to the Pandemic. What a unique way to spread God’s love in times
of need! So, what does this mean?
Throughout the year, especially during the months of October and November, we collect donations for the meat canning project.
The Canning Ministry at Freeport Mennonite is an above budget project, so it is all done by donations. The more donations we
receive the more people we can help. A donation of $5.45 will fill a can or $130 will fund a box of finished product. We are
excited to announce that we have been given 5 days to can. This will depend on volunteers and funding support.
As the 75th year of meat canning begins, FMC and MCC are once again partnered up for the 69th year to encourage others to get
involved with this mission project. This year’s canning project is going to continue to look a little different as you can imagine
due to the ongoing pandemic! There will be some changes and requirements that must be followed in order for us to can and
keep everyone as safe as possible and keep the “Canner Guy’s” healthy so they can keep canning at other stops. Without them,
canning does not happen! We cannot possibly list all the changes and guidelines in this letter, and changes are bound to happen
as we get closer to the time of canning. With that being said, we encourage everyone to call or have a group representative call
a member of the FMC canning committee and ask questions ahead of time and schedule a time to come help can if you are
healthy and willing to follow the guidelines!
Once again, we would like to open this project to the community and area churches. If you or anyone in your church would
like to serve in this way, we will be canning December 13-17. 2021 (Mon – Fri) at Freeport Mennonite Church, 3416 E Brick
School Rd., Freeport, IL 61032. Unfortunately, due to the guidelines we are not able to give tours as in the past. However, if
you have any questions please contact Larry Pfile (Meat Canning Coordinator) at 449-2516, Chad & Janet Weber (Asst Canning
Coordinators) at 291-6382 or 541-9397, David Graybill (Asst Canning Coordinator) at 238-7208 or Tim Bastian (Asst Canning
Coordinator) at 821-2469. If you are interested in someone coming to talk about the canning project at your church or group,
please feel free to contact one of the above individuals.
Freeport Mennonite Church set a church record last year and produced 23,283 cans from 35,747 pounds of chicken last year.
Ten percent of the cans were held back for local missions at Freeport Area Church Cooperative (FACC), Rockford Rescue
Mission, Joseph’s Pantry and Salvation Army in Freeport, Lancaster Food Pantry of Lancaster Wisconsin, and Faith Community
Church of Davis. Ninety percent was sent to MCC to be used as they identify the needs in the United States and around the
As I close this letter, I would like to say that this mission project is very much needed around the world. I would encourage
each one of you to be a part of this year’s canning project. Some of the canning shifts fill up fast, so I encourage you to call and
sign up for a shift before they are filled. Call (815) 291-6382 to sign up or go to to sign-up online.
May God bless you and keep you,
Chad Weber, FMC Assistant Canning Coordinator


MCC Canning Press Relief 2021