Virgil Vogt, 87, Evanston, IL died November 2, 2021 after living with Parkinsons Disease 14 years. He was born in the mountains of Darjeeling, India to Mennonite missionary parents Milton Christian Vogt and Esther Bergey Kulp.
Virgil was educated in India at the Mt. Hermon boarding school and in the U.S. at Hesston (KS) Academy, class of 1950, and College, class of 1952. There he met his beloved life companion Joan Miller and they married in 1953 in Filer, Idaho. Virgil finished his degree at Goshen (IN) College in 1954, then moved on to Akron, PA to work at Mennonite Central Committee in alternative service. While attending revival services there Virgil felt a strong call to radically serve Christ. As a result, the Vogts returned to Goshen Biblical Seminary in 1956 for Virgil to pursue a Bachelor of Divinity degree, eventually completed in 1967. There they met John and Louise Miller, which served to foment ideas they shared for living a life of radical discipleship to Jesus. The Millers moved to Evanston, IL in 1957 to launch the intentional Christian community which became Reba Place Fellowship and the Vogts were not far behind.
After serving a pastorate at Leo Mennonite Church in Indiana, Virgil was moved by the visit of the leader of an indigenous renewal movement in India to follow his father into mission work in India. In 1962, after nine months at Reba Place with no visa forthcoming, they concluded God wanted them to stay there. Virgil rose into leadership roles as John Miller was called to serve in Ontario. He was instrumental in bringing the charismatic renewal movement to Reba Place. He became a traveling apostle, visiting Christian intentional communities in Spain, Korea, Canada and throughout the U.S.
In the 1960’s and 70’s Virgil lived with his family in a communal setting with a common treasury—a fundamental part of his vision. While Reba Place eventually created a congregational option in Reba Place Church, which Virgil pastored until 2002, Vogts continued to live in the Fellowship in communally-owned properties open to members and neighbors. In 1982 he wrote Treasure in Heaven, to describe the Christian goal of working to give, not to accumulate for personal security and desires, and to trust God to supply all needs.
Virgil contributed to the larger Mennonite world as managing editor of Concern: a Pamphlet Series for Questions of Christian Renewal from 1961-71, and by serving with the Illinois Mennonite Conference as a moderator and as conference minister to the Chicago Area Mennonite churches for a time until 2009. Many church leaders sought him out as a mentor and perceptive listener who made his conversation partners feel heard and valued.
Survivors include Virgil’s wife Joan; their five children, spouses and families: Dave and Joan Vogt, Beth and Eric Nordstrom, Barb and Craig Faris, Mary and Dan Hanchera, and Ruth and Phil Leaman; and his 14 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. He is survived by siblings Laverne Nafziger, Elva Miller and Myra Danielson, with brothers Bernard and Merle preceding him in death. Celebration of Virgil’s life will be held Saturday, Dec. 4 at 1:30. (Visit website for further details.) To share memories, visit Virgil Vogt